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How to cook rice

Cook rice the right way with our handy guide...
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  • Find out everything you need to know about cooking rice including how to prepare rice, how much rice to cook per person, and how to store leftovers.

    Cooking rice may seem simple, but it can sometimes be a tricky thing to get right and can often lead to wet rice, a burnt pan, and ruined dinner. To help you avoid any mistakes, we’ve put together some expert advice on the following areas:

    *What type of rice should I buy?
    *How much rice per person?
    *How can I add flavour to my rice?
    *Should you wash rice before cooking it?
    *What is the ratio of water to rice?
    *Best ways to cook rice
    *How to cook rice: boil
    *How to cook rice: steam
    *How to cook rice: microwave
    *How long does it take to cook brown rice?
    *How long does it take to cook Basmati rice?
    *How long does it take to cook Jasmine rice?
    *How to store leftover rice

    What type of rice should I buy?

    To ensure light, fluffy results every time, we’d recommend using good quality rice, if you can. Cheaper options could leave you with disappointing, soggy, and lacking in flavour – however carefully you cook it.

    There are many different varieties of rice you can opt for. The most common being American long grain, a good all-rounder that holds its shape well.

    Basmati is a more expensive aromatic delicate rice and is the classic accompaniment to curries and for making pilaf (rice flavoured with spices). Both these types of rice can be cooked in the same way.

    Brown rice contains more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than white because the bran and germ have not been removed. This type of rice takes a lot longer to cook and has a chewier texture. It keeps you feeling fuller for longer so is the healthier choice – especially if you’re on a diet.

    Black, red Carmargue, and wild rice are less common and more expensive, specialty rice. They have a nuttier flavour than white rice and take 20-40mins to cook. These types of rice are firm, have a chewy texture and vibrant colour to make them ideal for salads.

    Risotto (Arborio) rice is a short plump grain, which when cooked softens on the outside to give a creamy texture to risottos but still remains slightly firm in the center.

    How much rice per person?

    We recommend allowing 50-75g of uncooked rice per serving. This equates to 50-75ml per person if using a measuring jug which is often quicker than weighing it.

    Any leftover rice should be chilled quickly and can be stored in the fridge for two days or frozen for one month. Reheat thoroughly and all the way through in the microwave, or in a little boiling water until piping hot.

    how to cook rice

    How can I add flavour to my rice?

    Jamie Oliver says to try adding flavour to your rice by popping some flavourings into the water such as lemon zest, fresh herbs, cardamom pods, or even a green tea bag.

    Deputy Food Editor, Rose Fooks, likes to add a pinch of turmeric to jazz it up.’ Our Food Director, Elisa, cooks her rice with a stock cube in or suggests putting in cubes of beetroot to make the rice turn pink – kids love the colour.

    Should you wash rice before cooking it?

    Many chefs insist that rice must be rinsed thoroughly before cooking. You can pop the rice into a sieve or colander and rinse until the water runs clear. If you would rather not waste too much water, try soaking the rice in water for 10-15mins and then rinse once or twice.

    What is the ratio of water to rice?

    The general rule is that you use twice as much water as rice (2:1). So, for example, if you have 100g rice you use 200g/ml water. Nigella Lawson also agrees with this rule for white rice; her top tip is to use a mug or cup rather than weighing it out. If you decide to use a cup we would suggest ½ cup per person.

    Brown rice or other rice that is higher in fiber may require more water as not only do they need to be cooked for longer but they will also absorb more water. We recommend 125ml water to 100g rice or, if using cups, 1 and 1/4 cups to 1 cup rice.

    If you’re steaming rice then you can easily top up the pan with water. Keep an eye that the water doesn’t run out.

    Best ways to cook rice

    There are many different ways to cook rice but if you’re cooking it as an accompaniment to the main dish then it’s easiest to steam or boil your rice.

    How to cook rice: boil


    • 200-300g (or 200-300ml if using a measuring jug) good quality American long grain or basmati rice
    • 400-600ml of water
    • pinch of salt

    How to cook rice: Step 1

    How to cook rice

    Measure twice the amount of water to rice i.e. 400-600ml water for 200-300ml rice. Deputy Food Editor, Rose, says its important to start your rice in cold water – this will mean longer cooking times but you will get the best result. This is because the grains of rice will cook more evenly.

    How to cook rice: Step 2

    How to cook rice

    Place in a saucepan, season with a little salt, and bring to the boil.

    How to cook rice: Step 3

    How to cook rice

    Cover with a tightly fitting lid, reduce the heat to a very gentle simmer and cook for 10-15 mins until the water has been absorbed and the rice is tender, American long grain rice will take a little longer to cook than basmati.

    Try not to lift the lid too often to keep as much steam in the pan as possible. Remove from the heat and leave to stand for 5 mins before fluffing up with a fork and serving.

    How to cook rice: steam

    If you’d like to steam it then you can use a rice steamer or small-holed colander on the hob. Steamed rice tends to be more fluffy than boiled rice as it isn’t fully cooked in water.

    1. Place your uncooked rice in a small-holed colander.
    2. Cover with foil and place over a saucepan of boiling water (ensuring the rice isn’t submerged).
    3. Steam for 20 minutes checking the rice until fluffy. Fluff with a fork before serving.

    How to cook rice: microwave

    You can cook your rice in the microwave and it’s pretty simple. Use the ratio of 2:1 (e.g. 200ml water to 1oog rice).

    For 200g white rice:

    1. Place both water and rice in a microwaveable dish cover with cling film and, using a knife, pop some holes in the film.
    2. Cook on high for 4 and 1/2mins, reduce the heat to medium and cook for 4 mins longer.
    3. Test the rice and if it needs longer cook for 1min extra at a time.

    You can try using this method for other types of rice but you’ll need to adjust the cooking times. It’s pretty simple but just keep an eye on the rice so it doesn’t burn.

    If you prefer your rice cooked in the microwave then try investing in a microwave rice cooker. These are easily available from some great brands.

    How long does it take to cook brown rice?

    Brown rice takes longer to cook than your usual white rice because you have to cook through the bran. Because it includes the bran it does mean that the rice includes more fiber. This is a great addition to your diet as it has some great health benefits such as lowering cholesterol. Brown rice can take up to 40 mins to cook but you can usually have it ready in 25-30 mins.

    How long does it take to cook Basmati rice?

    Basmati rice will usually take the same amount of time as normal white rice. The grains are slightly thinner and the rice responds well to steaming and also for using when making dishes like pilau rice. This involves a little frying too. Basmati rice, if using our method above, usually takes 15-20 mins.

    Our Food Editor, Samuel, says that ‘the key thing to remember is that all types of rice will cook differently so check packet instructions and keep that in mind when planning your meal.’

    How long does it take to cook Jasmine rice?

    Jasmine rice originates from Thailand and is commonly used in Asian cooking. It’s a long-grain rice that has a subtle floral aroma. It should be soft and sticky when cooked properly. Traditionally is it recommended to use 1-1.5 cups of water to 1 cup of Jasmine rice.

    Despite this being long-grain rice, the grains are shorter and thicker than basmati rice. Jasmine rice takes only 15 minutes to cook or when all the water has been absorbed. Stand the rice for 10 minutes and then fluff with a fork.

    How to store leftover rice

    Evenly spread any leftover cooked rice onto a baking tray so it cools to room temperature quickly. Once cool, place into airtight containers and refrigerate immediately.

    Leftover rice once cooled can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two days. You’ll need to make sure the rice is piping hot when reheating again.

    You can freeze cooked rice too. All you have to do is make sure it is thoroughly cooled, and quickly, and then stored in an airtight freezable container. Make sure you label the container with when the rice was cooked.

    You can freeze for up to three months. Defrost in the fridge and make sure the rice is piping hot all the way through before serving again.

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