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The War Hall
A members-only discussion forum where you can interact directly with our writers and each other, take part in our members-only book club, and keep your finger on the pulse of the natsec community.
Weekly, members-only webcasts featuring a rotating casts of experts explaining geopolitical events as they are happening. You can watch live and submit questions or watch later at your convenience.
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As you know War on the Rocks only publishes people who know what they are talking about – either through direct experience, deep study, or both. This includes everyone from former senior officials to ex-spooks to top scholars to grizzled grunts. If you want to know more about what these people think about the world – and if you want to be able to talk directly to them and read their more private insights – both the War Hall and our WarCasts are the best way for you to do that. And you can make sure they hear your views too!
You are a part of a community – the national security community. You know the value and insights other members of the community – our tribe – bring to the table through passion and hard-earned experience. The War Hall is built explicitly for members of this community to engage with each other as much as they want. Other platforms have tried to solve this problem and have failed: We all get too many emails already and email distro lists are cumbersome. Twitter is too noisy and there are too many trolls. Not all of our Facebook friends want to hear our latest thoughts on Army acquisitions, Russia’s military posture, or the intricacies of jihadist ideology. In the War Hall, you can geek out on all this to your heart’s content with a tribe of people just as committed as you. Plus, our members will have direct input in to the new features and services we roll out over time.
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No one provides more credible, experience-based commentary and analysis on national security affairs. This simple formula is paying off. War on the Rocks is growing. But we are totally independent and we want to stay that way. There’s no big corporation – defense or otherwise – backing us. That’s how we stay credible and unbiased. If our independence is important to you, then this membership is important to you. If you sign up for this membership, you are a part of the tribe that stabilizes WOTR’s balance sheet while making it possible for us to publish more articles, produce more podcasts, and do new things specifically built for the most passionate members of our tribe. Make a difference. Sign up.