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About Anzics

The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society is the leading advocate on all intensive care related matters. ANZICS leads the world in intensive care research through its Clinical Trials Group and patient databases, including the Adult Patient Database, the Paediatric Intensive Care Registry and Critical Care Resources. The Society is devoted to all aspects of intensive care medical practice through ongoing profes​sional education, the provision of leadership in medical settings, clinical research and analysis of critical care resources.

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Confirming stellar international faculty line up for next ANZICS/ACCCN ASM 2020, Sydney. Look forward to releasing a quality scientific programme in next few weeks.. Save the date and Stay tuned.. #asm20Sydney

Often on #medtwitter #NurseTwitter we see call outs of the bad kind. I’m here to do the opposite and commend @anzics @ACCCNAUST on the cultural and gender diversity of invited speakers at the upcoming @ANZICSACCCN_ASM

Well done!


A reminder to Save the Date for #ASM20Sydney We are excited to begin profiling the International Speakers and program in the coming weeks!

A handful of NZ doctors have made disproportionate amounts of noise around vaccine doubt. Here’s the names of 6535 NZ registered doctors who strongly disagree: https://interactives.stuff.co.nz/2021/10/doctors-for-covid-vaccination/

I don’t know a single doctor who isn’t vaccinated.

Here is a press release on NZ's current ICU bed capacity from @anzics. The numbers reflect the reality on the ground (we have just over 170 staffed adult ICU beds). These are numbers NZ experts in intensive care medicine agree on @AndrewLittleMP

The number of ICU beds currently being reported in Aotearoa New Zealand varies widely. Thus, in order to provide clarity, ANZICS has
compiled the following data for public hospitals with the support of our NZ colleagues.


Dr @ed_litton, ANZICS CCR Director, and lead author of the recently published surge paper provides some commentary around the findings below.

ANZICS PSG : UQ Era of Digital Medicine Webinar Series - *|https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ai-in-healthcare-with-google-healths-dr-chris-kelly-virtual-tickets-190040194337|*

ANZICS PSG : Not Endorsed - Survey Participations- Long-Term Ventilation In Children - *|https://nursingandmidwifery.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4M9P0vCkqqeUkXs|*

ANZICS CTG - Webinar Invitation- ERA Of DIGITAL MEDICINE - https://mailchi.mp/anzics/anzics-ctg-not-endorsed-input-study-eoi-1403316

NovIG - Voting for the position of NovIG Secretary - closes Wednesday 6 October 2021 - 1700 AEST - https://mailchi.mp/anzics/call-for-nominations-for-novig-committee-chair-position-2021-1403328