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Mixed or average reviews - based on 50 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 510 Ratings

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  • Summary: Far Cry 6 reveals a Caribbean island simmering with revolutionary tension. The title features actor Giancarlo Esposito (“Better Call Saul,” “The Boys,” “The Mandalorian”) as President Anton Castillo, the violent leader who grips the island of Yara with an iron fist, promising a return to itsFar Cry 6 reveals a Caribbean island simmering with revolutionary tension. The title features actor Giancarlo Esposito (“Better Call Saul,” “The Boys,” “The Mandalorian”) as President Anton Castillo, the violent leader who grips the island of Yara with an iron fist, promising a return to its former glory. With an arsenal of weapons and allies at your back, you’ll take on Castillo’s regime and fight for the future of Yara. As Dani Rojas (playable as a female or male character), you will help stoke the fires of revolution through guerrilla warfare across the island of Yara, from verdant jungles to the urban streets of the capital city, Esperanza. You’ll use a powerful array of weapons and vehicles, and build a network of allies to fight alongside you, including Fangs for Hire like Chorizo, the dangerously distracting wiener dog. As President Castillo prepares his son Diego, played by Anthony Gonzalez (“Coco”), to succeed him, you will do all you can to ensure his plans don’t come to fruition. [Ubisoft] Expand
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Far Cry 6: Amigos & Supremos Gameplay
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 50
  2. Negative: 1 out of 50
  1. Oct 6, 2021
    Arguably the best Far Cry to date, Far Cry 6 maximizes PS5 capability while delivering a terrific experience. New and old Far Cry players shouldn't miss this one.
  2. Oct 6, 2021
    Far Cry 6 is a massive game, with plenty to do and see. It features a gripping story and combat that plays like a dream. I had so much fun doing everything I possibly could, and I'll be diving back in to finish off all the side content.
  3. Oct 6, 2021
    At its core, Far Cry 6 both shines and suffers from many of the same strengths and weaknesses that have characterized the last few entries in the franchise. On one hand, it has incredibly engaging action and an open world begging to be used creatively. On the other, it has repetitive and sometimes rote mission design, with disconcerting tonal shifts that seat inconceivable brutality and violence at the same table with silly, absurd humor that feels at best disrespectful, and at worst, wildly inappropriate. What finally elevates Far Cry 6 is a better-than-average cast, and a more comprehensible and grounded story that is set in one of the most lavish and beautiful environments ever created for a game. It’s fascinating, flawed, and full of contradictions. It’s a Far Cry game.
  4. Oct 6, 2021
    Far Cry 6 tries to be something new but falls short on all ideas. The Supremo backpack and the design of Yara are on point, but you will be playing the same game you’ve been playing for years now when you scratch beneath the skin of this one. If you love the Far Cry series, you will love 6, but don’t expect anything new or revolutionary during your gameplay.
  5. Oct 6, 2021
    Once more, Ubisoft delivers more of the same in a new setting. It’s worth playing, thanks to the enjoyable firefights Far Cry is known for. Also the new tyrant played by Giancarlo Espansito makes a good impression in a diverse and nice new environment called Yara. The sixth installment of the series has some problems, however; dumb enemy AI, the absence of a skilltree and a general lack of polish being the most annoying ones.
  6. Oct 6, 2021
    Far Cry 6 is a good opus in the series, but it doesn't bring anything new to the IP besides a good performance from Giancarlo Esposito.
  7. Oct 6, 2021
    If you’re interested in another Far Cry game that does the Far Cry stuff the way it’s been doing it for 10 years, you’ll probably have a good time, but if you’ve already hit your limit with this kind of game, Far Cry 6 is the ne plus ultra of why open-world game design is so badly in need of a revolution.

See all 56 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Oct 8, 2021
    If you like Far Cry, It's good. If you don't like Far Cry games, don't buy it.

    A side note: A lot of the negative reviews for this game
    If you like Far Cry, It's good. If you don't like Far Cry games, don't buy it.

    A side note:

    A lot of the negative reviews for this game are like someone that doesn't like chicken wings reviewing chicken wings. These wings taste the same as the last wings. Some people just like wings.
  2. Oct 9, 2021
    The deep state trolls, shills, bots are out in full force to trash this game. Why? Because it's about revolution when the NWO is making it'sThe deep state trolls, shills, bots are out in full force to trash this game. Why? Because it's about revolution when the NWO is making it's play to enslave us all. You will hear this game is bad because it doesn't change it's formula. Well, I say if it ain't broke why fix it? They may not have changed the formula but they always improve it. It's the best in the series. As for all the negative reviews don't trust them as legit. Furthermore, NWO aside, It also seems like there is one guy in Italy going under different names putting most of these negative posts up. Expand
  3. Oct 9, 2021
    After the review score given by Polygon, you'd think it wasn't a good game but when I read the insane reason why said writer gave it thisAfter the review score given by Polygon, you'd think it wasn't a good game but when I read the insane reason why said writer gave it this score, it became clear. POLYGON RATES THEIR GAMES ON POLITICAL BIAS!! HAHAHAHA.... the writer thinks the game was good but because it didn't lean more to the Left he/she felt it deserved a lower score. That's right! THE " VIDEO GAME" didn't satisfy their political motives enough so it gave it a mediocre score HAHAHAHAHA....how pathetic...who gives a s*** about how your feelings were about the political angle of the story. People are looking for honest reviews ABOUT the "VIDEO GAME" you basket case. Boy they'll let anyone be critic these days ...End rant

    As far as the game goes, it's a fantastic piece. Beautifully done as always. Of course there's some issues I have with NPC fighting and does lack some of the cool things as the prior far cry games but all in all....worth the money. Oh and the story is FANTASTIC
  4. Oct 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really enjoyed Far Cry 5 and was looking forward to playing this new installment, but I was really disappointed. It looks and plays like a game that's 5 years old. Totally uninspiring. Expand
  5. Oct 9, 2021
    Юбисофт продолжает закапывать отличную (когда-то) франшизу. Убогий сюжет, отсутствие некоторых механик из прошлых частей, беззубый злодей,Юбисофт продолжает закапывать отличную (когда-то) франшизу. Убогий сюжет, отсутствие некоторых механик из прошлых частей, беззубый злодей, стерильность, инклюзивность и партизаны-тиктокеры. Рефанд. Expand
  6. Oct 14, 2021
    Pure trash game, nothing of new ,graphics ps3, no translation language for my country. Embarrassing copy and paste game
  7. Oct 17, 2021
    Anti-white and anti-american propaganda. There is no place for that kind of crap in video games, so get that 0.
    Terrible finale, no boss
    Anti-white and anti-american propaganda. There is no place for that kind of crap in video games, so get that 0.
    Terrible finale, no boss fight, they are killing one of the best character (leader of the revolution) in the game and after that they want you to celebrate the Victory like nothing happens... really....

See all 269 User Reviews