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Metroid Dread Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 75 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Join intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid™ story in 19 years. Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid™ Fusion game when she descends upon planet ZDR to investigate a mysterious transmission sent to the Galactic Federation. The remote planet hasJoin intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid™ story in 19 years. Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid™ Fusion game when she descends upon planet ZDR to investigate a mysterious transmission sent to the Galactic Federation. The remote planet has become overrun by vicious alien lifeforms and chilling mechanical menaces. Samus is more agile and capable than ever, but can she overcome the inhuman threat stalking the depths of ZDR?

    Face off against unrelenting E.M.M.I. robots

    Once DNA-extracting research machines, the imposing E.M.M.I. are now hunting Samus down. Tensions are high as you evade these E.M.M.I. to avoid a cruel death while finding a way to take them down. Find out what turned these robotic wonders into the scourge of ZDR and escape with your life.

    Feel Samus’ power grow as you gain maneuvers and abilities

    Acquire new and familiar abilities as you traverse the many environments of this dangerous world. Parkour over obstacles, slide through tight spaces, counter enemies, and battle your way through the planet. Return to areas and use your new abilities to find upgrades, alternate paths, and a way forward. Explore the sprawling map, evade and destroy E.M.M.I. robots, and overcome the dread plaguing ZDR.
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Metroid Dread - 5 Minutes of Off-Screen Gameplay
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 75
  2. Negative: 0 out of 75
  1. 100
    Over the years I’ve heard many people demand a sequel, in terms of gameplay, to one 2D Metroid or another. No matter what sequel you’ve wished for, Metroid Dread is it. It is simply Metroid, in the best way possible. Metroid Dread is the culmination of 2D Metroid in its entirety. It is a testament not only to what the genre has always been, but the potential of what it could become. It is a triumphant return of Samus Aran as the undisputed queen of the genre. Long may she reign.
  2. Oct 10, 2021
    Metroid Dread is an amazing return for Samus with fantastic controls, excellent sound design and a wonderful overall aesthetic. Even as someone who’s not normally fond of Metroidvania-style games, the intensity of Metroid Dread held my attention to the point where I felt heartbroken the first time my Switch let me know the batteries were about to die.
  3. Oct 6, 2021
    Metroid Dread suffers from some minor grievances, but overall it is a remarkable achievement in not just resurrecting a dormant and beloved series, proving its authority in the genre it inhabits, or exhibiting the kind of airtight design we’d expect from a title of this calibre. It is a remarkable achievement because it is one of those few rare games that sets itself an atmospheric goal and launches it towards and through the stratosphere. This, here, is one of 2021’s very best games - we’re always in for a treat when Samus returns.
  4. 90
    One of the best Metroid games ever made and a thrilling restatement of everything that makes the series, and the genre it inspired, great.
  5. Oct 12, 2021
    Quotation forthcoming.
  6. Oct 6, 2021
    Metroid Dread proves that the Metroid franchise is still ready to innovate the genre it helped build with exciting new ideas. While it hasn't taken on all the lessons from newcomers that have filled in since its absence, it doesn't feel like an outsider looking in.
  7. 70
    I left Metroid Dread feeling quite conflicted about it. On the one hand, I do think it is fundamentally well designed, and the main gameplay element - the robot stalkers - are woven into the Metroid formula beautifully. On the other hand, that Metroid formula is getting long in the tooth and Dread doesn't do nearly enough to revitalise it. Dread is fine. It's not just nearly memorable enough for a game that fans have been waiting so many years for now.

See all 83 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 37 out of 576
  1. Oct 12, 2021
    Un juego espectacular. Por mucho tiempo esperé un nuevo Metroid y ahora ha vuelto en gloria y majestad. Una jugabilidad increíble,Un juego espectacular. Por mucho tiempo esperé un nuevo Metroid y ahora ha vuelto en gloria y majestad. Una jugabilidad increíble, entretenida, con momentos de tensión y que te motivan a explorar cada rincón para obtener todos los item. Me siento como un niño de nuevo. Se siente genial volver a tener esos niveles 2D luego de la trilogia Prime. Mejora muchos aspectos de los juegos clásicos. La ambientación es magnífica. Los gráficos no son los mejores en el mercado, pero Nintendo nuevamente demuestra que un juego, antes que ser realista, debe ser entretenido. Apartado sonoro impecable. Un gran juego que los fans de Metroid sabrán valorar. Expand
  2. Oct 9, 2021
    Wow, what a hell of a game. Have always loved Metriod since 1989 on the NES. Weather its Prime or side scroller, i love them all. GraphicsWow, what a hell of a game. Have always loved Metriod since 1989 on the NES. Weather its Prime or side scroller, i love them all. Graphics are just top notch. Cut scenes to gameplay its a pretty game. The controls are great and the story is pretty good so far(just beat 4th boss) so i have more to play. But from what i have played i love. Brings in oldskool gamers to modern perfectly. You will die a few times before u get farther but its worth it. Great job NIntendo! Expand
  3. Oct 10, 2021
    An amazing experience and well worth the wait! Cannot stress enough how awesome this game is!
  4. Oct 11, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O melhor jogo do ano para mim, e um dos melhore Metroids de todos os tempos, vale cada centavo. Expand
  5. Oct 10, 2021
    I just want to say that Metroid Dread is the best game I’ve ever played! Go buy it! I am sure you won’t regret it!
  6. Oct 9, 2021
    This is a 2d Metroid game for Nintendo Switch!!!
    Probably my game of the year.
  7. Oct 12, 2021
    This is NOT Metroid. Plays nothing like past installments. Hate the melee counter, hate that you can't use the dpad to move. Bland atmosphere.This is NOT Metroid. Plays nothing like past installments. Hate the melee counter, hate that you can't use the dpad to move. Bland atmosphere. Mercurysteam ruined the formula that makes Metroid a great game. Hate that company! They also ruined Castlevania.
    Samus Returns was trash, and I knew this game would be trash as well. Please Nintendo and others, for the love of all that's holy, DO NOT let mercurysteam make the next 2d game!

See all 576 User Reviews