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CHLP Publications

Below are publications original to The Center for HIV Law and Policy (CHLP). For a complete list of CHLP's publications on our criminal justice law reform work, click here; and for Teen SENSE, click here.


Employment Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Primer (published October 2010)

State Guidelines for HIV-Positive Health Care Workers (published April 2008)


Chart: Limitations on Eligibility for Federal Housing by Program Type (published June 2013)

Housing Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Primer (published March 2010)

Know Your Rights: HIV and Housing (published June 2010)


Know Your Rights: The HIV Ban and Immigration (published January 2010)

Legal Assistance

Send Lawyers, Guides and Money: The Legal Services Needs of People Living with HIV in the Southern United States (published December 2010)


CHLP Comments and Recommendations for Reform of HIV Policies in the Military (published July 2014)

Other Infectious Diseases

Essential Elements of New York Guidelines for Allocation of Health Care Resources During A Pandemic, The Center for HIV Law and Policy (published April 2020)

Proposed Public Health and Public Safety Pathways for Criminal Justice System Responses to COVID-19 (published May 2020)

Map: An Overview of States Criminalizing Viral Hepatitis (published December 2018)

Fact Sheet: Punishment is Not a Public Health Strategy: The Criminalization of Viral Hepatitis (published August 2018)

Positive Justice Project and HIV Criminalization

Additional Recommendations to the White House Office of National AIDS Policy for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, The Center for HIV Law and Policy, Lambda Legal, and ACLU AIDS Project (published May 2010)

A Legal Toolkit: Resources for Attorneys Handling HIV-Related Prosecutions, Ending and Defending Against HIV Criminalization, A Manual for Advocates, Volume 2 (published February 2013)

Analysis: A Closer Look at Yesterday’s Ohio Supreme Court Ruling Rejecting First Amendment and Equal Protection Challenges in State v. Batista (October 2017)

Arrests and Prosecutions for HIV Exposure in the United States, 2008–2019 (updated June 2019)

A New Strategy to End Civil and Criminal Punishment on the Basis of HIV Infection (published November 2010)

A Side-by-Side Comparison of the Proposed Bills to Reform Missouri’s HIV Criminal Laws (published January 2019)

Charlie Sheen HIV Status Announcement Provides Teachable Moments (November 2015) 

Chart: Comparative Sentencing on HIV Criminalization in the United States (published May 2012)

Chart: Arrests and Prosecutions for HIV Exposure in the United States, 2008–2019 (updated regularly)

Chart: HIV and Chronic Disease in the United States (published October 2011)

Chart: HIV, STIs and Relative Risks in the United States (published October 2011)

Chart: U.S HIV Laws and Prosecutorial Tools (updated June 2020) (formerly titled State-by-State Criminal Laws Used to Prosecute People with HIV, orginally published 2013)

CHLP Testimony on New York City Council Proposed Resolution No. 710-A, calling on the New York State Legislature to pass A.2736/S.1379, Prohibiting Condom Possession as Evidence of Criminal Offenses (published June 2013) 

Collection of Statements from Leading Organizations Urging an End to the Criminalization of HIV and Other Diseases (updated March 2016)

Comments and Questions for White House ONAP Listening Forum (2014) (published August 2014)

Declaración de Consenso Sobre la Criminalización del VIH (published October 2014)   

Elements of a Just Criminal Law Response to Allegations of NonConsensual Exposure to a Serious Infectious Disease: A Guide For Policy Makers (published November 2015)

Fact Sheet on H.R. 3053, REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act (published September 2011)

Fact Sheet on H.R. 1843/S.1790, REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act (published February 2014)

Fact Sheet on Michael Johnson (published March 2015)

Fact Sheet: Missouri v. Johnson (published August 2017)

Guidance for People Living with HIV Who Are At Risk of, or Are Facing, Criminal Prosecution for HIV Nondisclosure or Exposure (published January 2011)

Guidance for a Legal Advocate Representing an HIV-Positive Client in a Criminal Exposure Case (published December 2012)

Guide to State-Level Legislative Advocacy (November 2015)

HIV/AIDS Recommendations for the Obama Administration (published January 2009)

H.R. 1843/S. 1790, REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act Outreach Toolkit (updated February 2014)

HIV Criminalization Fact Sheet (published December 2010)

HIV Criminalization in the United States: A Sourcebook on State and Federal HIV Criminal Law and Practice, The Center for HIV Law and Policy (updated May 2020)

HIV Criminalization Palm Cards (published August 2011)

HIV Criminalization Talking Points and References, FAQs, and Helpful Resources (November 2015)

La Criminalización del VIH Tarjeta Informativa (published October 2013)

Letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program, Jonathan Mermin, on the Necessity of CDC Statements on HIV Criminalization and Real Routes and Risks of Transmission (published May 2011)

Letter to PACHA re Inclusion of HIV Criminalization in Annual Letters (published August 2011)

Letter to the Attorney General of Virginia Re: Commonwealth v. Baughman (published July 2018)

Map: HIV Criminalization in the United States (updated March 2020)

Missouri Judge's Sentencing of Michael Johnson in HIV “Exposure” Case Decried As “Barbaric” (published July 2015)

Moving to New York State? A Reference Guide for Relocation for Registered Sex Offenders (published March 2014) 

Nushawn Williams Case Background and Talking Points (published March 2018)

Positive Justice Project Consensus Statement on the Criminalization of HIV in the United States (published July 2012)

Positive Justice Project at the USCA (published November 2011)

PJP Proposed Resolution Submitted to the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) On Ending Federal and State HIV-Specific Criminal Laws, Prosecutions and Civil Commitments (published October 2012)

Recommendations for Updates to the National HIV/AIDS strategy (published April 2015)

Routes, Risks and Realities Of HIV Transmission and Care: Current Scientific Knowledge and Medical Treatment (published July 2015)

Sample Expert Statement on HIV Transmission Risk (published May 2013)

Spit Does Not Transmit, Law Enforcement Fact Sheet (published March 2013)

Selected Policy Statements and Support for Decriminalization in the United States (updated March 2016)

Statement on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States: Updated to 2020 (published August 2015)

Talking points on Maryland House Bill 622 "Knowingly Transferring the HIV Virus to Another Individual – Felony" (published March 2012)

Talking Points on Nebraska's Proposed HIV Criminalization Statute, Legislative Bill 226 (published February 2011)

Ten Things Anyone Can Do To Help End HIV Criminalization (November 2015)

Timeline of State Reforms and Repeals of HIV Criminal Laws (updated June 2020)

The 2017 Modernization of California’s HIV Criminal Exposure Laws: What Did It Do, Who Will It Affect? (November 2017)

The State of Civil and Human Rights in the United States, Testimony of The Center for HIV Law and Policy to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights (published December 2014)

This is How We Win: A Toolkit for Community Advocates, Ending and Defending Against HIV Criminalization, A Manual for Advocates, Volume 3, The Center for HIV Law and Policy (published September 2013)

Transmission Routes, Viral Loads and Relative Risks: The Science of HIV for Lawyers and Advocates (published July 2011)

What HIV Criminalization Means to Women in the U.S. (published February 2011)

Why Are We Putting People in Jail for Having HIV? A Grassroots Guide to HIV Criminalization: Facts, Foolishness, and Solutions (published November 2015)

You Can’t Address HIV by Tackling Only HIV: The Center for HIV Law and Policy’s Position on Confronting the Stigmatization of All Infectious and Communicable Disease (published March 2014)

Pregnancy and Newborns

HIV and Pregnancy: Legal Advocacy Supplement, available by request  (published June 2010)

HIV and Pregnancy: Medical and Legal Considerations for Women and Their Advocates (published December 2009)

Know Your Rights: HIV and Pregnancy (published January 2010)

Racial Justice

Racial Disparities in HIV Care and Outcome: A Call for An Evidence-Based Response (published May 2006)


Comments to the Department of Justice Proposed Standards, OAG – 131: National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape (published May 2010)

Comments to the Department of Justice Proposed Standards, OAG 131: National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Response to Prison Rape (published April 2011)


Comentario por CHLP, AIDS United, y The Well Project, Acerca de las Recomendaciones de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades en Relación a las Pruebas de Detección del VIH (published October 2019)

Comments from The Center for HIV Law and Policy, AIDS United, and The Well Project Regarding the CDC's HIV Testing Recommendations (published October 2019)

Is HIV Molecular Surveillance Worth The Risk? (published September 2019)

Comments on the Draft of the CDC Guide for Implementing HIV Testing in Correctional Facilities (published May 2008)

Expanding the Availability and Acceptance of Voluntary HIV Testing: Fundamental Principles to Guide Implementation (published June 2007)

Expanding the Availability and Acceptance of Voluntary HIV Testing: Fundamental Principles to Guide Implementation (published October 2007)


Comments on FDA Condom Labeling Guidance (published February 2006)

Sample Expert Statement on HIV Transmission Risk (published May 2013)

Youth in State Custody

Comments to NYC Administration for Children’s Services on Draft of Safe and Respected: Policy, Best Practices, and Guidance for Serving Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children and Youth in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice System (published March 2014) 

Comments to NYC Administration for Children’s Services On Draft of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Youth in Foster Care (published March 2014)

Comments to NYC Administration for Children’s Services On Draft of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Youth in Foster Care (published December 2013)

Comments to the New York City Administration for Children’s Services on Policy # 2012/XX – Promoting a Safe and Respectful Environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth and their Families Involved in the Child Welfare, Detention and Juvenile Justice System (published September 2012)

Comments on Proposed Repeal and New Rules for New Jersey’s Manual of Requirements for Resource Families, N.J.A.C. 10:122C (published September 2005)

Comprehensive, LGBTQ-Inclusive Sexual Health Care for Youth in State Custody as a Human Right: The Teen SENSE Initiative (published February 2009)


Juvenile Injustice: The Unfulfilled Rights of Youth in State Custody to Comprehensive Sexual Health Care (published December 2010)

Model Policy: Sexual Health Care for Youth in State Custody (published October 2017)

Model Policy: Sexual Health Literacy for Youth in State Custody (published April 2012)

Model Policy: Training for Youth Facility Staff: Ensuring Competence that Includes the Rights and Needs of LGBTQ Youth (published October 2017)

Model Sexual Health Care Standards for Youth in State Custody (published January 2012)

Model Sexual Health Education Standards for Youth in State Custody (published January 2012)

Model Staff Training Standards: Focusing on the needs of LGBTQ Youth (published January 2012)

Recommendations to Government of the District of Columbia – Child and Family Services Agency on Administrative Issuances, Healthcare Quick Reference Guides, and Program Policies Related to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Programming for Youth in Foster Care (published March 2014)

Sexual Health Advocacy for Youth in Foster Care and Detention Facilities, Legal and Policy Outline (published June 2007)

Teen SENSE Testimony Before the New York City Council on Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Young Women in State Custody (published June 2014)

Testimony Before the New York City Council Committee on Education, Committee on Health, and Committee on Women’s Issues On Student Health Services, Comprehensive Health Education, and Sexual Health Educational Training (published October 2015)

The Rights of Youth In State Custody to Comprehensive Sexual Health Care (published April 2017)

Written Testimony Presented to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commission on GLBT Youth on the Status and Challenges of LGBTQ Youth in State Custody (published July 2012)

Written Testimony Presented to the New York City Administration for Children’s Services on Close to Home: Draft Plan for Non-Secure Placement (published May 2012)