Moving is exciting, but it can also be stressful for more reasons than one. From finding the time and energy to box up all of your belongings, to picking a trustworthy moving service to safely transport them all from one place to the next, there are just so many factors to consider. On top of it all, if you’re not prepared, moving can be a hefty financial burden to bear.

To make it all easier to handle, here are 10 ways to save money on your next move.

1. Estimate the Cost

Online moving calculators are a great way to help gauge approximately how much your move should cost. This is a good place to start before reaching out to different moving companies and getting quotes, as it will give you a solid median. Knowing roughly how much your move should cost will help prevent you from overspending by going with a bid that is otherwise, unbeknownst to you, way too high.

2. Avoid Buying Supplies

Purchasing boxes, paper and bubble wrap can really add up. However, you can cut down on your moving costs by getting creative with how you source these items. Consider asking neighbors and friends who have recently moved or are about to move—to save their boxes and any extra moving supplies for you. You can also stop by select retail locations like grocery, furniture or appliance stores and ask if they have any boxes leftover from their recent deliveries. Try being resourceful by using what you already have. Items such as socks, towels, T-shirts and sweaters all work great as alternatives for wrapping glassware and protecting your valuables.

3. Host a Sale

Holding a yard sale is a great way to not only make money, but it can actually help save you money on your move, too. By taking the time to get rid of any clothes, furniture or other items that you don’t want prior to your move, you create an opportunity to decrease the number of necessary movers, as well as possibly decrease the size of the moving vehicle that will be needed for your job.

All of these factors can impact the price of your move, so by selling unwanted items ahead of time, there’s an opportunity to decrease your overall moving costs, while also earning a little cast to put toward the total expenses.

4. Utilize Media Mail

Books can be both bulky and heavy, which can make them difficult to pack and move. That said, the United States Postal Service offers Media Mail shipping as an easy and cost-effective solution to this dilemma. With Media Mail shipping, you’re able to send 70 pounds of books for just over $40. This is a great way to free up space in your moving truck for other items that would be much more expensive to ship.

5. Establish a Plan B

While you can try everything in your power to ensure a smooth move, there’s always a possibility that your timeline, including your move-in date, could go awry at the last minute. Having a backup plan in place can actually help save you money in the long run.

For instance, you can make plans ahead of time to stay with a friend or family member, in case your move is delayed, so you don’t end up paying expensive hotels fees. Additionally, consider choosing a moving company with flexible options that won’t charge you a fee for making a change on short notice.

6. Don’t Pick the Lowest Bidding Movers

Considering that they’re going to be responsible for safely and successfully transporting all of your belongings, you’ll want to ensure that you’re choosing the best moving company for your job. While you may be tempted to save money up front by selecting the movers with the lowest bid, doing so may actually end up costing you more in the long run.

A low bid might indicate low-quality work, which could end with your belongings showing up late, or even broken, meaning you could end up spending more money to repair or replace your valuables. You can save yourself money by choosing a more reputable contractor off the bat, with a bid that is more in the middle.

7. Pack Strategically

By packing in a way that utilizes fewer boxes, you can save space, time and, most importantly, money. Be tactical with your packing by nesting some items inside of others, rather than just thoughtlessly tossing all of your things into boxes.

With mindful packing, you’ll be able to fit more items into a single box. By doing so, you can condense the number of total boxes you’ll have to move, therefore, creating a possibility for using a smaller moving truck, and the smaller the vehicle, the more money you can save.

8. Cancel Your Utilities

Rather than worrying about timing your utility shut-off perfectly, or worse, getting stuck paying the cable and internet costs for two places at once, consider canceling your current services, and starting fresh.

Some internet and cable providers will offer specials and discounts for opening a new account. This is an opportunity to shop around for the best deals and see what providers in your new area can offer you. Some companies may even offer to wave your activation fees or provide free installations.

9. Ask for a Deal

While it may seem unconventional, it’s not completely uncommon for moving companies to be willing to cut you a deal, so it’s always worth asking. This is where shopping around can really pay off. See what deals different movers will offer you, and it’s always worth asking if others can beat or match the best deal.

10. Consider the Cost of Moving Yourself

Moving can be a large financial burden and taking the time to really consider all of your options is important. If you’re really looking to save money on your move, consider renting a moving vehicle and doing it yourself. At the very least, it’s worth looking into prices and doing a cost comparison to determine how much money you can save by choosing this option.