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If your student loan payments are too expensive, you risk defaulting on your debt. Student loan default is a serious issue with severe consequences, including damage to your credit report and, if you have federal loans, wage garnishment.

Your options for getting out of default are dependent on the kind of student loans you have: federal or private. Regardless of your debt type, it’s important to come up with an action plan to start rebuilding your finances and your credit.

What is Student Loan Default?

Student loan default means you’ve missed a certain number of payments, as described in your lending agreement. Private loans could default after as few as three missed payments, or less; federal loans default after nine missed payments.

Entering default can cause major issues for you. In fact, defaulting on your student loans can cause you to lose your professional license in some states, potentially preventing you from being able to earn a living.

The type of loans you have affect when you enter default and which ramifications you’ll face.

Federal Student Loan Default

When you first miss a federal loan payment, you become delinquent. If you continue to miss payments, you can enter student loan default. For federal loans, when you’re considered to be in default is dependent on your loan program:

  • Direct loan and Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) programs. Your loan servicer considers you to be in default if you don’t make your loan payments for at least 270 days.
  • Perkins Loans. Your loan servicer will declare you to be in default if you don’t make your payment by its scheduled due date.

What happens if you default on federal student loans? The consequences can be stiff. You could face the following repercussions:

  • Loan acceleration. The entire unpaid balance on your loan will become due right away.
  • Loss of federal loan benefits. You’ll no longer be eligible for federal loan benefits like deferment, forbearance or the ability to apply for an income-driven repayment plan.
  • Loss of federal aid eligibility. Until you get out of default, you’re ineligible for additional federal grants or student loans.
  • Credit reporting. Your loan servicer will report missed payments to the credit bureaus starting when you’re 90 days past due, hurting your credit score.
  • Treasury offset. The government can seize your tax refund and other federal benefit payments to collect on the debt.
  • Student loan wage garnishment. Your loan holder can garnish your wages, meaning your employer will have to withhold a portion of your paycheck to repay your loans.
  • Collections. Your loan holder can send your account to collections. If that happens, you’re responsible for paying court costs, collections fees and other costs that are part of the collections process.
  • Academic hold. While your account is in default, your school can refuse to issue you a transcript, making it impossible to get into another school.

Note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education has paused all collections activity on defaulted federally-owned student loans, and interest on outstanding loans is temporarily set at 0% until Sept. 30.

Private Student Loan Default

While the timeline can vary from lender to lender, private student loans often go into default as soon as you miss three monthly payments or are 120 days late; some lenders will declare you to be in default much earlier. You may also enter default if you declare bankruptcy or default on another loan you have through the same lender. Make sure you review your loan agreement or promissory note to see your loan terms.

If you default on a private student loan, the lender can send negative information about your account to the credit reporting agencies, damaging your credit score. They can also continue to contact you about collecting payments.

Your entire loan can become due, and the lender will usually need to go to court to collect payments from you. While private lenders can’t seize your tax refund, Social Security benefits or prevent you from receiving federal student aid in the future, they can get a court order and pursue wage garnishment.

How Can I Recover from Student Loan Default?

If you’ve defaulted on your student loans, it’s essential to get your finances back in order. While you can get out of default by paying off your loans in full, that’s rarely a viable option for most borrowers.

Federal student loans provide multiple options for managing your debt. While private loans typically have fewer recovery options, there still may be ways to get your loans out of default.

Federal Loans: Student Loan Rehabilitation

If you have federal student loans, one way to get out of default is to enroll in a loan rehabilitation program. You will sign a written agreement to make nine affordable monthly payments—as determined by your loan servicer—within 20 days of the due date, making all nine of the required payments within 10 months.

Your monthly payment is equal to 15% of your annual discretionary income—your adjusted gross income that exceeds 150% of the poverty guideline for your state and family size—divided by 12. Your loan servicer will require you to submit documentation of your income.

Once you’ve made the nine necessary payments, your loans are no longer in default. If you rehabilitate your loan, the record of the default will be removed from your credit report. However, your report will show the late payments that your loan servicer previously reported before the loan went into default.

Contact your loan servicer to start the loan rehabilitation process.

Federal Loans: Student Loan Consolidation

Consolidating your federal loans with a direct consolidation loan can be a quicker way out of default than student loan rehabilitation. You’ll apply for a direct consolidation loan and either agree to repay the loan under an income-driven repayment plan or make three full, consecutive and on-time monthly payments before it’s officially consolidated.

If your wages are garnished to repay your defaulted loan, you cannot consolidate your loan until the wage garnishment has been lifted or the judgment has been vacated.

Once your loan is consolidated, the loan is no longer in default, and you’ll regain eligibility for benefits like forbearance, deferment and loan forgiveness. But loan consolidation does not remove the default notation from your credit report.

You can apply for a direct consolidation loan online.

Private Loans: Contact Your Lender

If you have private student loans that are in default, contact your lender right away. Some lenders may have rehabilitation programs in place to help overcome student loan default. You may be able to enter into a payment plan or settlement arrangement.

How Can I Avoid Student Loan Default?

Defaulting on your student loans will damage your credit, since late payments stay on your credit report for seven years. If possible, it’s important to avoid entering default in the first place.

To keep your loans current, follow these tips:

1. Opt for an Income-Driven Repayment Plan

If you have federal student loans and are having trouble affording your monthly payments, apply for an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan. Under an IDR plan, the loan servicer will extend your repayment term and base your monthly payment on your family size and discretionary income. After 20 to 25 years of making payments, the remaining loan balance will be forgiven.

You can apply for an IDR plan online.

2. Apply for Deferment or Forbearance

If you have federal loans and are experiencing a financial hardship or medical emergency, you can apply for a deferment or forbearance. Either of these options lets you temporarily postpone payments.

As part of the CARES Act, the U.S. Department of Education placed federally owned student loans into administrative forbearance. Most federal loan payments are automatically suspended until Sept. 30, and you’ll be charged no interest.

3. Stay in Touch With Your Lender

If you have private student loans, you’re ineligible for federal IDR plans, deferments and forbearance. But many private lenders offer temporary hardship programs for borrowers who have lost their jobs or are going through other emergencies. For example, the following lenders offer forbearance policies and alternative payment plans:

  • Ascent Student Loans: Borrowers can qualify for up to three months of forbearance at a time, for up to four consecutive periods. You can get up 24 total months of temporary hardship forbearance during the life of your loan.
  • Education Loan Finance: If you cannot repay your loan because of a financial hardship or medical difficulty, you may qualify for forbearance for up to 12 months.
  • Sallie Mae: You can postpone your payments for up to three months at a time, for up to 12 months over the life of your repayment term.

Contact your lender right away to explore the repayment options available.

4. Set Up Auto-Pay

To minimize the risk of missing payments, set up automatic payments so that the money is withdrawn from your bank account on the payment due date. You not only won’t need to worry about manually paying your student loans, you also may qualify for an interest rate reduction. Many lenders offer a 0.25 percentage point discount for borrowers who sign up for auto-debit.

5. Develop and Stick to a Budget

Create a budget to ensure you know how much money you earn each month and how much you spend. If money is tight, identify areas where you can cut back to free up extra cash. Or consider picking up a part-time job or side hustle so you have more money to pay off student loan debt.

6. Review Your Credit Report

It’s possible you took out several student loans to pay for college. Over time, your loans can change hands, as lenders sell your loans to different companies, or your loans are transferred to new loan servicers. To make sure you don’t lose track of them, check your credit report regularly.

Typically, you can view your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian and TransUnion—once per year at As a response to the coronavirus crisis, the three credit reporting agencies are now allowing consumers to access their credit reports for free once a week through April 2021.

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