Big Data

Pegasus Spyware: Does Apple Have ‘Major’ iMessage Security Problems?

Apple has faith in its iMessage security, despite claims that Israeli spyware agency NSO Group’s tool has repeatedly cracked iPhone security using iOS’ own messaging system. Critics say Apple needs to copy what Facebook and Twitter do with message security.

More from Big Data
18 hours ago

The 5 Biggest Data Science Trends In 2022

Data has become one of today's most important business assets, and data science enables us to turn this data into value. In the field, we see fast evolutions and new advances, especially in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Here, we look at the five biggest data science trends for 2022.
21 hours ago

The 2021 Data Landscape Is Out: Now What?

In a world where new startups seem to emerge weekly, CIOs are challenged to make sense of the data market. Let alone decide which technology paradigm to bet on as they build their “modern data stack”.
Sep 29, 2021

SDC Hard Disk Drive Update

The SNIA SDC HDD session gave insights on how to use multi-actuator HDDs, including software implementations. Methods to optimize HDD performance and tail latency were discussed. Backblaze, Seagate and NetApp provided insights on HDD failures and how to control them.
Sep 23, 2021

Digital Storage At The Edge

Zadara zStorage for ZenLayer and Cloudian’s Streaming Feature Store provide storage for data protection and real time data interpretation at the edge.
Sep 23, 2021

A Prescription For Less Chaos In Data Management

The risk for organizations looking to create effective work practices in the era of remote working is dark data i.e. information silos where a firm fails to have full knowledge of any single piece of data’s contents, location, owner, access history, or whether it contains sensitive information.
Sep 15, 2021

LTO-9 Tape Products Now Available

Magnetic tape remains the most cost effective, low energy digital storage technology. Many data centers, including large hyperscale data centers, use magnetic tape. LTO-9 boost native capacity to 18TB with 400MB/s native data rates and a native tape cartridge cost of less than half a cent per GB.
Sep 14, 2021

Data-Driven Business Needs A Shot In The Arm

The world is full of poor data connectivity, misaligned data structures and information silos that sit at incongruent points on the global information exchange compass. We need tools to auto-generate business processes and streamline data structures for better user experiences.
Sep 8, 2021

Synthetic Data Will ‘Feed’ AI Hunger

Synthetic data in the context of AI vision systems refers to annotated images that have been created from computer generated, photo-realistic, 3D environments containing objects, things, people (or anything).