
Not Raising The Debt Limit Puts $90 Billion For Infrastructure And Other State Programs At Risk

If Congress fails to suspend or raise the national debt limit, it could have a trickle-down effect that would put nearly one-quarter of state spending at risk.

More from Taxes
8 hours ago

Tougher Than IRS? California Franchise Tax Board

California does a good job of aggressively drawing people into its net of high taxes. Add the state’s notoriously aggressive enforcement and collection activities, and it’s a perfect storm. If you have an IRS or FTB audit, be careful. Surprisingly, the FTB can be worse than the IRS.
Sep 30, 2021

Why Isn’t There Enough Housing? Zoning And Homeowner Resistance

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed laws to encourage more housing construction allowing overriding of local zoning to get more affordable and racially equitable housing. But the state’s intervention probably won’t overcome anti-housing policies and practices driven by existing homeowners.