
A Decade After Aubrey McClendon Caught The ‘Tiger By The Tail’ — Chesapeake Energy Returns To Haynesville Shale With Big Acquisition

Freshly emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chesapeake Energy today announced a deal to acquire publicly traded Vine Energy for $2.2 billion, or $15 per share.

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How To Play A Debt Default: Buy Oil

Because oil is traded globally in dollars and the U.S. must import crude oil every day, the domestic producers will enjoy the price increase without having to spend more in costs and realize a blowout with windfall profits!
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Biden Caught Flatfooted By Skyrocketing Oil Prices

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Sep 30, 2021

60 Years Of Nuclear In Space Is Just The Beginning

This summer NASA marked the 60th anniversary of a nuclear-powered spaceflight. The Transit IV-A was an experimental navigational satellite with a radioisotope-powered generator, launched by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory from Cape Canaveral on 29 June 1961. But that was just the beginning.