Aerospace & Defense

The Pentagon Finally Tests A Hypersonic Missile Without Screwing It Up

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency tried again to test a hypersonic cruise missile. This time, the speedy missile didn’t just fall off the B-52 carrying it and tumble to the ground, as happened last year.

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Oct 1, 2021

Both British Flattops Are At Sea At The Same Time

Two Royal Navy aircraft carriers are at sea at the same time for the first time in more than a decade as the U.K. works to boost the proportion of its slowly shrinking fleet that’s available for front-line operations.
Oct 1, 2021

Five Looming Issues For Large Airlines As Long-Haul Flying Sputters

Large airlines are dealing with major issues like weak business demand, vaccine mandates, and worker shortages. But just around the corner are other issues the big airlines must consider including their cost structure, changes to frequent flier programs and the fast growth of low-cost carriers.