
Meet Private Equity’s Quiet Corporate Turnaround Artist

Advent International’s David Mussafer cuts a low profile on Wall Street, but his firm’s ability to reshape large companies has turned the firm from an also-ran into a fast-growing giant with $81 billion in assets.

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UnitedHealth Group Enters Oversold Territory

But making UnitedHealth Group Inc an even more interesting and timely stock to look at, is the fact that in trading on Monday, shares of UNH entered into oversold territory, changing hands as low as $385.53 per share.
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USA Needs A Downgrade

With over $125 billion in cash and just $67 billion in debt, Microsoft has better finances than most countries, the U.S. included. Unlike the U.S., its bond interest payments cannot be held captive by political whims.
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Positioning Your Portfolio For A Debt Ceiling Debacle

As the talking heads on TV debate the chances of the U.S. raising the debt ceiling past its current cap of $28.4 trillion, many, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and JP Morgan Chase chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, are predicting economic calamity if Congress fails to act.