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The Economic Times
English Edition
| 25 September, 2021, 11:53 PM IST | E-Paper
    UK travel snub: CoWin certificates to mention date of birth of fully vaccinated travelling abroad

    The UK on Wednesday had amended its new travel guidelines to include the Indian-made version of the AstraZeneca vaccine in its updated list of approved COVID-19 vaccines.

    Most Singaporeans agree immigration is good for economy, but half feel foreigners taking their jobs: Survey

    In a marathon 11-hour debate over foreign talent policy and job competition in Parliament earlier this month, the opposition Progress Singapore Party had raised concerns that the government's foreign talent policy has led to Singaporeans being displaced from their jobs. They singled out the India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA), claiming that it allows unfettered entry of certain Indian professionals in the island-state.

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        The Economic Times