Big Data

Pegasus Spyware: Does Apple Have ‘Major’ iMessage Security Problems?

Apple has faith in its iMessage security, despite claims that Israeli spyware agency NSO Group’s tool has repeatedly cracked iPhone security using iOS’ own messaging system. Critics say Apple needs to copy what Facebook and Twitter do with message security.

More from Big Data
Aug 31, 2021

5 Unconventional Career Tips From Top Women In Data Science

So much of our world today depends a great deal on good data, from funding decisions to public health to climate policy. So, we need it to be as unbiased as possible, and that means we need more women in the field. Here are five unconventional career tips from two top women in data science.
Aug 31, 2021

Not Your Father’s Hybrid HDD

Western Digital’s OptiNAND technology differs from earlier hybrid HDD products. OptiNAND moves important HDD metadata to the NAND flash, this frees up HDD space and can be used to move tracks closer together, provide bigger power off cache and enhance HDD reliability.
Aug 29, 2021

Virtual Persistent Memory Hackathons

SNIA’s Persistent Memory Special Interest group is offering online tutorials and virtual hackathons to get developers familiar with using persistent memory. This program can be a resource for getting up to speed on PM.
Aug 25, 2021

Moving Computation To Storage And Memory

Samsung extends it Processing-in-Memory (PIM) technology from HBM to DIMMS and LPDDR5. Pliops computational storage and flash management device will provide lower infrastructure costs for big data center application. Phison redriver IC helps with PCIe 5.0 implementation.
Aug 17, 2021

C2Q 2021 HDD Update

Seagate, Western Digital and Toshiba all reported record HDD exabyte shipments, driven by record nearline HDD demand. Overall quarterly HDD capacity shipmebnts increased by about 22%. This increase in demand for nearline drives also drove up HDD average sales prices by about 12% QoQ.