Wealth Management

Wealth Managers And Their Clients Wait Nervously For The Tax Hikes That Will Finance Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Spending Plan

With the recent Senate passage of a $1.2 billion bipartisan infrastructure deal, Congress is shifting its attention to a massive $3.5 billion budget deal set to be passed through reconciliation and reportedly featuring various tax hikes as pay fors.

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15 hours ago

Markets And The Fed Say Wake Me Up When September Ends

The jobs report effectively ended any chance of a September announcement of tapering and provided evidence of the impact of the increase in infections. The combination of infections, legislative activity, and poor seasonality for stocks might make us all say, “wake me up when September ends.”
Sep 2, 2021

The Case Against Selling Equities

Assuming that you’ve remained fully invested since last year’s pandemic-driven market lows and have periodically rebalanced back to your target asset allocation, your portfolio has grown substantially over this time frame.
Aug 29, 2021

All Roads Out Of Jackson Hole Lead To This Week’s Jobs Report

Federal Reserve Chair Powell accomplished his objective at the virtual Jackson Hole conference last week. Especially after Powell mentioned slack in the labor market, the jobs report will be crucial this week. The negative impacts of the rising infections are being felt in some data.