At some point during your time as a homeowner, you’ll need an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) contractor. But what exactly should you expect when you hire one? We’re here to explain.

The term “HVAC” refers to the climate control systems in your home that transport heated or cooled air throughout the building in order to maintain a comfortable temperature for the residents. An HVAC contractor’s job is to install, regulate and maintain those systems so that the residents of a given building can enjoy thermal comfort and acceptable air quality. You may also occasionally come across the term “HVACR,” which includes refrigeration.

When to Call an HVAC Contractor

If you have an air conditioner, heat pump or furnace in need of installation, repair, or maintenance, you’ll want to call in a professional to help out with the task at hand. If an HVAC system is broken in your home in a way that might present danger to you or other residents, you’ll want to request an emergency repair from an HVAC contractor

How to Choose the Right HVAC Contractor

You can use sites like Yelp, Angie’s List or HomeAdvisor to research and read reviews of HVAC contractors near you. You might also seek personal recommendations from friends, local home improvement businesses or a handyman that you’ve previously employed. It can be tempting to go with the cheapest option here, but keep in mind that HVAC contractors and companies differ in their areas of expertise.

While most HVAC contractors and companies are trained in heating, ventilation and air conditioning, some technicians are better known for focusing on one of these particular areas. So know who you’re dealing with before you decide to hire someone.

You’ll also want to consider how long a given HVAC contractor has been working in the field. Most HVAC contractors, regardless of how long they’ve been in the business, should be able to perform a routine maintenance checkup on your furnace, ventilation system or air conditioner. But if they detect a problem, it may not be in their repertoire yet to repair the damage at hand. At this point, your HVAC contractor may refer you to someone more experienced who is properly trained to diagnose, troubleshoot and fix issues within your HVAC system.

Keep in mind also that installing an air conditioner or a furnace requires a great deal of skill and maybe a project better suited to an expert HVAC contractor.

Other Services Offered by HVAC Contractors

In addition to dealing with heating, ventilation, air conditioning and occasionally refrigeration, HVAC contractors may offer a duct cleaning service. This is a maintenance procedure for your HVAC systems that ensures high air quality and removes dust from the air.

Other HVAC contractors may offer, in addition to HVAC services, repair and maintenance services for boilers and water-based heating systems. These operate quite differently than HVAC systems, and hence, require a different set of knowledge, but many HVAC contractors are trained in both areas.

What Does Maintenance Work Entail for HVAC Contractors

When HVAC contractors perform maintenance on HVAC systems, they inspect the apparatuses and make sure everything is working properly. This can involve checking pipes for leakage, testing thermostats, changing filters and checking refrigerant levels.

What Does Repair Work Entail for HVAC Contractors

If an HVAC contractor detects a problem with any of your HVAC systems, the next step is to repair it. This might involve fixing or replacing the parts that are at the root of the problem with the HVAC system and/or troubleshooting the problem until the system works properly again.

Much of HVAC contractors’ work constitutes emergency repairs, since problems with HVAC systems often arise abruptly and require urgent attention. This is especially true in the coldest parts of winter and the hottest parts of summer, when heating and cooling (respectively) are needed most.

What Does Installation Work Entail for HVAC Contractors

Installation is the most demanding task for HVAC contractors. They may start this process by assessing your space and/or your current HVAC system to make sure the new system is appropriate for your home. They’ll also take measurements in order to ensure that the new system will fit inside your home.

At this point, they will likely deinstall the HVAC system you currently have in place, taking care to minimize damage to the property. After that, they’ll install the new system, a process that might involve installing ducts, tubes, wires, pipes and electrical supply lines, as well as making sure the system is up and running and functioning properly for the residents of your home.

Most HVAC contractors will take care to minimize the amounts of noise they make and space/time they take up during the installation process. Keep in mind that contractors are doing their best not to disrupt the members of your household any more than is necessary during this involved process. Patience is key.

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