A credit report is a summary of a consumer’s credit profile that includes details about their active and closed accounts, including payment and balance histories. Reports also include information regarding hard and soft credit inquiries, public records and collections. Official credit reports are published by the three major credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion and Equifax—which lenders and other financial institutions use to evaluate the creditworthiness of loan applicants.

To help you make the most of your credit report, we’ll show you what to expect when reviewing the document and how it can impact your credit score.

What Does a Credit Report Show?

The exact content and layout of credit reports varies by credit bureau, but reports typically include the following information.

Personal Information

The first section of a credit report includes relevant personal information such as your full name, current address and employment history. When reviewing this portion of your report, make sure the following information is accurate and up to date:

  •  Names associated with your credit. One of the first sections in a credit report is a list of names associated with the consumer’s credit file. This typically includes the consumer’s full name, surnames used prior to marriage and any variations—including full names with or without a middle name or initial.

  •  Addresses associated with your credit. Likewise, each credit report includes a list of addresses, including the consumer’s current address and any others that were provided when applying for and opening new accounts.

  •  Current and past employers. This portion of the report lists the consumer’s current employer as well as all past employers, their locations, hiring date and other relevant information.
Spouses or co-applicants. A credit report also lists the consumer’s spouse and any joint credit applicants.

Credit Accounts

The most substantial part of a credit report includes a list of the consumer’s credit card, real estate loan and installment loan accounts. Each listed account includes relevant details, such as:

•  Basic account info. This portion of the accounts section provides a summary of each account. The status section indicates whether the account is still open or closed, and—if closed—whether payments were ever late. This typically includes specific details like the credit limit, highest balance and debt-to-credit ratio (also known as your credit utilization ratio).

•  Payment and balance history. This section lists detailed payment information, including the full payment history of each account—going back seven years, in the case of Experian reports. Each payment record also indicates whether the payment was late (and by how much) and whether the account was sent to collections or the consumer filed for bankruptcy. Reports also list monthly balances over a specified period of time.

•  Contact information. This information enables consumers to contact their lenders and creditors via phone or mail.

•  Applicable comments. Some credit reports, including those from Experian, may include additional comments. For example, closed accounts include a note like “Account closed at consumer’s request.”


Every credit report also lists any hard and soft inquiries into the consumer’s credit. Hard inquiries remain on credit reports for two years and typically impact the borrower’s credit score for one; soft inquiries also stay on for two years but do not impact scores.

When reviewing hard credit inquiries, credit reports indicate who initiated the inquiry and on what date. Reports also show the requesting company’s mailing address as well as details about the purpose of the inquiry—such as real estate. In many cases, this section will say “Unspecified,” so you may want to dig a little deeper if an entry looks suspect. Lastly, each entry includes the month in which the inquiry will drop from the credit report.

Because soft credit inquiries don’t affect credit scores, these entries typically do not indicate the date on which they will drop from the report. However, reports still show who requested the inquiry, the relevant mailing address and all request dates.

Public Records

The public records section of a credit report lists any information pertaining to legal matters like bankruptcies, tax liens and any monetary judgments against the consumer. This information is gathered from courts and other government agencies.

For example, if you have ever filed for bankruptcy, the report will indicate its status and the matter will remain on your report for seven to 10 years depending on the type of bankruptcy. Alternatively, this section may be completely blank if there are no relevant entries.

Collection Items

Finally, a separate section of a consumer’s credit report summarizes delinquent accounts that were sent to a collection agency. Collections can negatively impact credit scores and remain on credit reports for as long as seven years from the date on which the account became past due.

How to Check Your Credit Report

Consumers are typically entitled to one free copy of their credit report—from each of the three major credit bureaus—each year. This means you can order a report from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, either individually or all at once. However, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the three bureaus are offering free weekly credit reports until April 20, 2022.

There are three ways to access your free credit report:

•  Visit AnnualCreditReport.com. Navigate to the website and choose whether you’d like a single credit report or reports from all three major credit bureaus. Once you choose a report, the bureau will request that you answer questions to verify your identity.

•  Call 1-877-322-8228. To request your credit report by phone, call the number and complete the verification process. A copy of your credit report will be mailed to you within 15 days.

•  Complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form. To request a free credit report via mail, complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form, place it in a #10 envelope and mail it to the Annual Credit Report Request Service with adequate postage.

What to Look for in a Credit Report

Reviewing your credit report is a smart way to keep tabs on your credit profile and protect your identity. Credit reports can also provide a great deal of useful information if you want to improve your score. Here’s what to look out for when reviewing your credit report:

• Confirm that your personal information is accurate

• Review all of the accounts to make sure you recognize them

• Check the status of each account to make sure it is consistent with your records

• Calculate the credit utilization ratio of each revolving credit account

• Confirm that your closed accounts are reflected in the report and that they are labeled as closed by the consumer, where appropriate

• Ensure the accuracy of lawsuits, bankruptcies, tax liens and other legal actions

If you believe any of the account information is inaccurate, review your records and contact your lender to evaluate the discrepancy. And, if you wish to deal with mistakes on your report, you can typically do so through the credit bureau’s website or via phone or mail.

How Your Credit Report Affects Your Credit Scores

Every component of your credit report—with the exception of your personal information—can affect your credit score. That said, because of how credit scores are calculated, some sections of your credit report are more impactful than others. Here’s how each element of your credit score is affected by the information in your credit report:

Payment history. Payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO Score calculation, making it the most important element of your credit profile. To evaluate this portion of your credit score, review the payment history and balance history in the accounts section. If you see any inaccuracies, dispute the matter with the bureau.

Amounts owed. The next most impactful element of a consumer’s credit score is their total outstanding balances, which account for 30% of the calculation. The accounts portion of a credit report shows the current balance on each account as well as the highest balance reached over the life of the account.

Length of credit history. Accounting for 15% of a credit score calculation, the length of a borrower’s credit history is summarized in the accounts section of their credit report.

New credit. Lenders consider borrowers who open multiple credit accounts in a short period of time to be riskier than those who don’t. Your credit score is calculated, in part, based on the accounts listed in your report—and the dates on which they were opened.

Credit mix. This portion of your score is based on the types of accounts, including credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, finance company accounts and mortgages. The list of accounts identified in your credit report can provide a snapshot of your credit mix, so you can decide whether a new account might help or hurt your profile.