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The Economic Times
English Edition
| 14 August, 2021, 09:27 PM IST | E-Paper


    The Economic Times

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    The Economic Times

    Get The Economic times advantage to track latest business news on the go and make informed decisions. Download The Economic Times app on your Android smartphones and get the latest updates from Markets, Business and economy News as it happens and keep tab on your investments so that you can invest Wisely.

    The Economic Times App lets You:

    • Get the Latest and popular business news
    • Share news articles with friends, colleagues, partners via email, Facebook or Twitter
    • Profit from Stock Market views and recommendations from Experts
    • Latest updates from the Stock Market.
    • Manage Your investments in stock Market With ET Portfolio
    • Track the Stocks in your Watchlist, Market gainers, Losers, Movers, etc
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    ET Markets

    Get ET Markets App to track latest live market data on the go and make informed decisions. Download ET Markets App on your Android smartphones and get the latest updates from Markets, Business and Economy as it happens and keep tab on your investments so that you can invest Wisely.

    ET Markets App lets You:

    • Now track live indices and stock (shares) prices with advanced tecnical charting.
    • Multiple chart types, technical indicators, comparison and real-time data like Sensex (BSE), Nifty (NSE),Stocks i.e Axis bank, HDFC Bank, State Bank of india (SBI) etc.
    • Catch Live ETNOW TV or audio stream to keep you abreast with latest happenings.
    • Now track your stocks(shares)Axis Bank, Sensex (BSE), Nifty (NSE), mutual funds,Forex etfs
    • Smart voice search lets you discover News, Stocks (Shares) like Axis Bank, State Bank of India(SBI) and HDFC Bank, Mutual Funds and Commodities , Markets News etc.
    • Track the Stocks in your Watchlist, Market gainers, Losers, Movers, etc
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    The Economic Times Wealth

    The Economic Times Wealth magazine for ipad is a regular source of knowledge that will help you create Wealth through - a pick of features relevent to you, on topics ranging from stocks and property to gold and tax planing, even lucrative hobbies and business ideas; professional advice to help put your family finances in order; answers to your complicated financial question; dedicated pages on unique and actionable data and much more.

    The Economic Times Wealth magazine for iPad is a freemium app wherein users can download latest as well last archived ET Wealth editions on single buy or different discounted subscription models.

    Here are details on our subscription offers:

    • Monthly Subscription: $0.99 (Automatically renewed until cancelled.)
    • Quarterly Subscription: $1.99 (Automatically renewed until cancelled.)
    • Annual Subscription: $6.99 (Automatically renewed until cancelled.)
    Get the App directly to your phone
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    The Economic Times Money

    ET MONEY is a powerful money manager app that helps you take full control of all your personal finances. It packs multiple tools into one, such as - Automatic Expense Manager, Complete Investing Solution, Bills Calendar, Personalized Offers Curator, and so on. It is brought to you with a belief that it’s time we all looked at money in a new refreshing way which is simple, more smart and more fun.

    The ET MONEY App lets You:

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    • Find and Buy best mutual funds
    • Stay on top of your investments
    • Get bill payment reminders
    • Save on every purchase with personalized offers


    How to download Mobile Applications

    SMS 'ETApp' to 58888 or visit www.economictimes.com on your mobile browser

    The Economic Times