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Niche helps you discover the schools and neighborhoods that are right for you.
We rigorously analyze dozens of public data sets and millions of reviews to produce comprehensive rankings, report cards, and profiles for every K-12 school, college, and neighborhood in the U.S.
100 million+
ratings and reviews from real people
200 Thousand+
in-depth profiles on schools,
companies, and neighborhoods
50 million+
people used Niche in the last year
Press Releases
May 11, 2021
March 15, 2021
February 1, 2021
January 27, 2021
October 9, 2020
August 21, 2020
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
August 19, 2019
August 5, 2019
March 4, 2019
February 7, 2019
August 27, 2018
August 1, 2018
March 7, 2018
February 7, 2018
September 11, 2017
August 7, 2017
April 17, 2017
November 14, 2016
November 14, 2016
October 17, 2016
June 16, 2016
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the data come from?
We use the most up-to-date data available from dozens of public data sources including the Department of Education, U.S. Census, and FBI. See a complete list of our data sources here.
How do we calculate rankings and grades?
The specific methodology for each ranking can be found at the top of the rankings page. For a much more detailed explanation of our calculation process, see the following links: K-12 Rankings, College Rankings, Places to Live Rankings.
How do we gather survey data?
Our registered users have the opportunity to review the K-12 schools or colleges they have attended, the schools their children have attended, and the places they have lived. This survey is hosted on our site and includes a variety of question types, including both open-ended and poll responses. To date, we have collected more than 120 million ratings and reviews across our platform.
How is this list organized?
In any ranking, a school or place must provide enough data for the factors to be given a numerical ranking. This means we must have at least 80% of the school’s or place’s data required for a ranking to be ranked. After the numerical rankings end, schools or places that have enough data to be assigned Niche Grades (but not enough data to be ranked) are listed by those Niche Grades. Schools at the end of the list are those schools that we do not have enough data to rank or grade and are listed by total enrollment.
What year is the data from?
All of our data represents the most recent data available from that data source. Niche also collects data directly from schools and colleges via our school data update form.
What makes our rankings different?
We have more reviews and statistics on more schools and places than any other other site, giving us the most comprehensive coverage on K-12 schools, colleges, and places to live across the country. We then connect that data across content areas in ways that our competitors cannot. For example, because of the breadth of our data, we’re able to know the SAT/ACT scores from students at a certain high school, as well as the what colleges those students go on to attend. That unique advantage in K-12 coverage gives us a similar advantage (in terms of data/users) for covering towns/neighborhoods.
Where can I find materials to promote my Niche ranking?
You can find promotional banners, stickers, logos and rankings badges on the following pages: Promote Your College Ranking and Promote Your K-12 Ranking.
Natalie Tsay
PR Specialist