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  1. Can football's finances recover from coronavirus restrictions?

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    Video caption: European soccer's revenues dropped 13 percent amid empty stadiums in the 2019/2020 season

    European soccer's revenues dropped 13 percent amid empty stadiums in the 2019/2020 season

  2. Indian Premier League cricket: The new normal

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    Video caption: What does this season's IPL reveal about the future of the sport?
  3. Is the party over for the Olympics?

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    Video caption: Tokyo 2020's been postponed, but the Olympic movement has been in trouble for a long time
  4. Colombia international: 'We have players who have nothing to eat'

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    Video caption: As some players struggle to survive, how will women's football weather the pandemic?

    As some players struggle to survive, how will women's football weather the pandemic?

  5. Sport bosses warn of huge financial losses due to virus

    Rick Parry
    Image caption: Rick Parry spoke to MPs via videolink

    Sport bosses warned of huge financial losses due to the coronavirus pandemic when they appeared before the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) committee of MPs.

    English Football League chairman Rick Parry warned clubs could face a £200m hole by September while the English and Wales Cricket Board chief Tom Harrison said it could cost the body £380m.

    Rugby Football Union chief executive Bill Sweeney added cancelling England's Autumn Tests, against New Zealand, Tonga, Argentina and Australia, could cost £107m.

    Parry also warned that the "lawyers are going to get wealthy" if the Premier League tried to stop three teams being promoted and relegated as part of plans to bring the season to a close.

    Sport England chief executive Tim Hollingsworth said his organisation's Community Emergency Fund for grassroots clubs hit by effects of the Covid-19 outbreak was oversubscribed.

    "We would expect 4,000 applications in a year - over the last five weeks we have had 7,500 applications," he told the DCMS committee.

  6. Women in sports: Changing the game

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    Video caption: How many barriers do India's female athletes still have to break?