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Covid: How many people have been vaccinated in Wales?

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image captionCardiff and Vale is among health boards offering walk-in appointments for people aged 18 to 29

More than 102,700 doses of vaccines were given out in the past week, figures show.

Data from Public Health Wales shows 91% of vaccinations now involve second jabs, while total numbers of vaccinations have dropped week by week.

But there are still 127,658 people aged 18 to 29 - 26.6% - yet to have a first dose.

More than 30% of the youngest age group have now had their second doses.

But only about 3,860 under-30s received a first dose in the latest week, another fall. It would take around eight months at that rate to reach them all.

Younger vaccines
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Who has been vaccinated in Wales so far?

We can see between 90% and 96% of those in age groups over 60 have been fully vaccinated and well over 85% of those in their 50s.

Nearly three quarters of those in their 40s have now had second jabs and more than half of those in their 30s.

But there are still more than 127,650 young people still to receive a first dose, with only a 1.3% rise on the cumulative total for the under-30s in the past week.

Nearly 73% of that age group have taken up first doses and nearly 34.400 received second doses in the past week.

Altogether, 25.6% of under 40s still haven't been given a first dose - that's 232,150 people.

Covid-19 vaccinations in Wales. % uptake by priority group.  Includes some overlap between groups..
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As well as the different age groups, we can see 93% of healthcare workers had been fully vaccinated by Wednesday, as well as more than 83% of clinically at-risk groups under 65.

UK vaccine map
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How many have received a first dose?

Scotland has now just nudged ahead of Wales and ahead of the other UK nations in the total proportion of the population given a first jab.

By 14 July, nearly 2.28 million people in Wales had been given their first dose, or 72.3% of the population.

Covid-19 vaccinations in Wales. Daily doses reported.  Up to 22:00, 14 July.
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What is happening with second doses?

A total of 1,876,709 people have received a second jab, or 59.5% of the total population.

Wales was the first UK nation to reach the 50% milestone and is still ahead of the other UK nations.

Scotland was on 53.6%, England on 52.5% and Northern Ireland has also now seen more than half its population fully vaccinated (50.5%).

Covid-19 vaccine second doses in UK nations. Rolling daily rate based on seven-day averages and % of total population.  Up to 14 July.

Wales was also comfortably ahead on the daily rate for giving out second doses.

How does Wales compare with other countries?

Latest comparable figures show Wales is now behind United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Scotland among countries, with populations above 1 million, for highest proportions to receive first doses of vaccine.

Uruguay and Canada are next.

Chart of world doses
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Wales is fifth, just behind Chile, in the rankings for the proportion of total population who are fully vaccinated.

UAE leads the world, with 66.7% of its population given second doses.

What about different parts of Wales?

We get a series of weekly figures from PHW that now breaks down figures by local authority, as well as health board - with the latest going up to 11 July.

Vaccination map of Wales - 15 July
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The latest set shows

  • All health board areas have now seen over 70% of their populations given first doses, with Cardiff and Vale now catching up
  • Wales' biggest health board, Betsi Cadwaladr, had completed the most numbers of full vaccine courses - more than 497,000 - by 11 July
  • Powys health board has fully vaccinated the highest proportion of its population (65.3%), with other health boards closing in on 60%.

When looking at vaccinations by local authority:

  • When full vaccines for priority groups are looked at, it shows Anglesey had completed both doses for 99.5% of its care home residents, with Bridgend the lowest on 84.8%
  • Monmouthshire, Anglesey and Powys had reached more than 96% of those in their 80s with full vaccines. Merthyr Tydfil was the lowest but still at 89.5%
  • All council areas had reached between 93.8% and 96.6% of 70 to 74-year-olds for second doses
  • Meanwhile, Blaenau Gwent, Swansea and Monmouthshire have fully vaccinated the most people aged 75 to 79 - around 97% - and all have reached at least 93% of this age group
  • Anglesey had fully vaccinated the most in the 65 to 69 age group - more than 95.4% - and Ceredigion and Cardiff the fewest (but above 90%). Cardiff has given both doses to the most number in this age bracket (14,338).
Vaccine groups
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  • Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly now lead the charge in getting second doses to those aged 55 to 59 - both with more than 91% fully vaccinated by last Sunday. Ceredigion is the lowest (86.1%) but numbers have plateaued
  • Within the 50 to 54-year-old group, Monmouthshire (90%) and Blaenau Gwent (88.8%) are ahead of the pack.
Covid-19 vaccinations for people in their 40s. % of second doses by local council area.  Up to 11 July.
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For those in their 40s there has been an uptake of more than 71% for second doses in Wales - although there are regional differences. Flintshire - one of the highest areas for Covid cases in Wales - has fallen behind, with still only 39.2% fully vaccinated.

Just over half of those in their 40s have been reached for second doses in Wrexham too. Only Conwy is above the Welsh average in north Wales.

There is a big disparity with Monmouthshire, which has reached the most - 85%.

Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Powys lead the way with giving first doses to those in their 30s, reaching more than 80%, while Denbighshire and Ceredigion had reached the fewest, just over 69%.

Vale of Glamorgan has already given more than 65% of second doses to this age group.

Covid-19 vaccinations for  ages 18 to 29 in Wales. % of doses given by local authority area.  Up to 11 July.
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As for those aged 18 to 29, Monmouthshire and Caerphilly have now reached the most (81.7% and 79.2% respectively) for first doses while Ceredigion with just over 62%, Carmarthenshire (69.1%) and Wrexham (69.5%) had reached the fewest. In an area like Wrexham, which has the highest case rate - with high proportions of young people, this will be a worry.

Across Betsi Cadwaladr, there are still nearly 25,000 people aged 18 to 29 who have not taken up a dose - a regional average of 26.8% of that age group.

It includes nearly 5,600 young people in Wrexham and nearly the same number in Gwynedd.

There were also well over 16,600 in each of Swansea Bay and Hywel Dda health board areas who had yet to have a first dose in the youngest age group.

This feature will next be updated on Thursday, 22 July, so some figures will change in the interim.

Lag in the figures

We have to bear in mind the vaccine figures published in Wales, unlike in England, are not "real time".

It takes up to five days after a person receives a dose for the data to be actually published.

GPs are asked to input data into the NHS Wales-built system as soon as possible but it then has to be verified and quality assured by PHW - to ensure people are not double-counted, for instance - before it is actually published.

So there is a built-in lag between what health bosses are seeing happening daily and when we see the figures.

One health official said they were under-reporting rather than leaving "any chance of over-reporting".

Ministers, however, have access to "real-time" data as soon as it is in the system so have an idea what is going on, on the ground.

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