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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Dawn Butler suspended from Commons for calling PM liar

    An MP refuses to withdraw her claims that Boris Johnson lied to Parliament and is ordered out of the Commons.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: Hungary's anti-LGBT law referendum is about ‘democracy’ - minister

    The vote will give people the chance to make their views clear, the country’s foreign minister says.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: Starmer and Johnson and PM's Covid words on pensioners

    Boris Johnson once again pressed by Sir Keir Starmer about remarks he reportedly made in the autumn.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: Blackford and Johnson on Covid inquiry timing

    Boris Johnson, however, says a public inquiry into handling of Covid should happen in spring 2022.

  5. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: PM hit by audio glitches as he appears virtually from Chequers

    Things did not go entirely to plan as prime minister appeared virtually while in isolation at Chequers.

  6. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: Blackford and Johnson on racism in English football

    The SNP’s Westminster leader criticises the lack of apology from the prime minister over some of his previous comments.

  7. Video content

    Video caption: Eshalomi and Atkins on online racism and diversity in politics

    An MP quotes a YMCA report saying 95% of black children say they have witnessed racism in education.