BBC News Young Reporter

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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Try out some common British Sign Language signs so you can communicate more inclusively

    If you're wanting to try something new here's some common British Sign Language signs that might help you get to know someone in the deaf community.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: How diverse are computer game characters ask BBC Young Reporters Isla and Imogen

    Keen gamers Isla and Imogen from Perth wanted to investigate whether the characters in video games represent the people who play them.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: BBC Young Reporter: 'We need more funding for cancer research"

    Matthew has been shielding for most of the last year due to his mother's rare cancer.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: A look inside the new Edinburgh kids' hospital

    Angus, one of the BBC’s Young Reporters, shows us around the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People in Edinburgh

  5. Video content

    Video caption: Children’s Commissioner: Bereaved students need more help

    The new Children’s Commissioner says the way bereaved exam students are graded, needs to be changed.

  6. Video content

    Video caption: BBC Young Reporter winner on life with undiagnosed OCD

    Faith Dodd, 17, lived with undiagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for about five years.

  7. Video content

    Video caption: Young Reporter: Hexham girl on a mission for 'ginger justice'

    A 12-year-old girl from Northumberland wants people to stop being treated differently over their hair colour.

  8. Video content

    Video caption: 'My dad became my best friend in lockdown'

    Before March 2020, Shireen said she didn't "really care" about her dad. But during lockdown she's realised she was living in the same house as her best friend.

  9. Video content

    Video caption: "We were the only people there to support them"

    At the start of the pandemic Hannah swapped going to college to become a cleaner in a care home.

  10. Video content

    Video caption: ‘This is the real Tourette’s’

    Wilamena has Tourette’s syndrome, and wants people to learn what it’s really like to live with.

  11. Video content

    Video caption: Allotment redevelopment: 'You can't build a community on concrete'

    Park Road Allotments in Isleworth have always been an important place for Neha.

  12. Video content

    Video caption: 'I didn't want scoliosis to stop me being a model'

    A teenage model eventually won a modelling contract after being turned away from several agencies.

  13. Video content

    Video caption: Teen entrepreneurs’ top business tips

    Two young businessmen who started their ventures when they were at school share their advice on how to sustain your business during the pandemic.

  14. Video content

    Video caption: Find your voice with the BBC Young Reporter Competition

    We want to hear about the stories that matter to young people.