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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Covid-19: DJ goes mobile in the streets during lockdown

    After Coronavirus shut the nightclubs he DJs in, SUAT decided to take his decks to the streets.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: Covid: Basingstoke Hospital prepares for third wave of patients

    Amid talk of a third wave, patients are younger than previously seen on Covid wards, medics warn.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: Covid: France quarantine rules put plans to reunite couple in jeopardy

    A man whose partner lives in France says his plans are in jeopardy plans because of quarantine rules.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: 'My life living with Covid toes'

    A condition podiatrists are calling a phenomenon, 13-year-old Sofia has been suffering with Covid toes since October 2020.

  5. Video content

    Video caption: Man gives gran post-lockdown surprise with dinosaur outfit

    Samuel Hutchinson took his grandmother on a shopping trip to Sainsbury's dressed as a dinosaur

  6. Video content

    Video caption: Patient’s own cells could reverse Covid-19 lung scarring

    A therapy made from a patient’s own blood is being trialled to treat Covid-19 lung scarring.

  7. Video content

    Video caption: 'I have butterflies in my stomach'

    Vance McElhinney's partner and baby daughter flew from Vietnam to NI to reunite after the pandemic.