A lot of pigskin fans may not necessarily find the Arena Football League entertaining. Many think the indoor, bells-and-whistles game is too quirky with its 50-yard field, and having players with little name recognition makes for a tough product to sell on television.

But here's what you have to respect about the Jacksonville Sharks and all those men suiting up in the AFL: They truly play for love of the game because the paycheck is hardly worth the physical pain endured.

"For what we get paid, it's kind of crazy," said Sharks center Ray McNeil.

Like all AFL non-quarterbacks, McNeil makes the standard $875 per game, as negotiated by the league's players union. With the Sharks making it to Saturday night's ArenaBowl XVIII for a third playoff game - they lost 68-47 to the San Jose SaberCats in Stockton, Ca. - that means McNeil made an extra $2,625 to bring his football salary to a whopping $18,375.

It's no wonder that McNeil, along with several other Sharks, need to work a second job to make ends meet. McNeil will report back to work Monday for his five-hour weekday shift with the city Parks and Recreation department, serving as activities coordinator at the Johnnie Walker Community Center.

You can bet none of the Jaguars will be working 25 hours a week, even in the offseason, at a blue-collar job. NFL players don't have to worry about scratching out a living when the league minimum rookie salary is $435,000, almost equivalent to the Sharks' player payroll for the entire season.

Even with rent-free housing during the AFL season, the Sharks have to manage their money carefully and many would struggle to pay all their bills without a second job. Jerry Turner, the Sharks' 37-year-old defensive end, and lineman Nicolas Jean-Baptiste both work at Florida Transfer & Storage.

Sometimes they drive a truck, sometimes they work in the warehouse. More often than not, the 330-pound Jean-Baptiste - he leaves for a coaching internship this week at Division II South Dakota School of Mines - is either unpacking mattresses or boxing up furniture for transport.

"There's a lot of heavy lifting involved. I wanted the extra spending money, but I have to say, this is one of the most physically grueling jobs I've ever had," said Jean-Baptiste.

It's hardly more grueling than suiting up for the Sharks. Unlike NFL players, who mostly have the benefit of playing on natural grass, the Sharks play on a thin carpet at Veterans Memorial Arena with cement underneath. Receivers are constantly crashing into walls near the sideline and end zone.

"It wears out the body, playing 18 games [in the regular season] on those things, especially knees, back and hips," said Jean-Baptiste.

AFL players take a lot of pounding for a paycheck that amounts to Jaguars' tip money. The salaries in the economically challenged Arena League, where two teams recently folded, weren't always this skimpy. Before the old AFL shut down in 2009, the rookie minimum was a $30,000 salary. When the league returned in 2010, the pay was slashed to a measly $400 per game.

"Around that time, the economy was more difficult and it was harder to get a job," said McNeil. "The dilemma was, 'Do I go [play Arena League] for $400 a week or work a minimum-wage job?' "

Sharks defensive back Micheaux Robinson, 32, was among those players who returned to the revised AFL (with Jacksonville) despite the monstrous pay cut. He works a second job detailing cars with Tom Bush BMW.

"I've always loved to compete and entertain," said Robinson. "Playing football is a way for me to get away from the norm. I can be around some great guys, make friends, travel. I get to do a lot of things freely without having to deal with the everyday stress of the work grind or school."

Turner, a single father with two daughters, only returned to the AFL after it folded because he was one of three players to receive a franchise tag, allowing him to make money slightly above his teammates.

"I'm going to keep working at the moving company for now," said Turner. "If we win this Arena Bowl, I'm probably gone [retiring from football] like Ray Lewis."

Depending on what happens on the job front this offseason, Jean-Baptiste still doesn't know if he will return to the AFL. Players realize putting their body through the AFL's physical rigors, with so little financial gain, is not a sound long-term investment.

Sharks receiver Tiger Jones, 33, hopes to keep playing, but is looking for offseason employment at the University of Alabama by training football players for the 2016 NFL draft. He helped train eight Crimson Tide players last year, including first-round pick Amari Cooper.

"I feel like you can always work a regular job, but you can't always get paid to play football," said Jones.

When the Sharks tell you they play for the love of the game, they're not lying. Their bodies pay a heavy price for those meager paychecks.

Gene.frenette@jacksonville.com, (904) 359-4540