Category: Science and Medicine

Science-Based Satire: More Chiropractors are Using Subluxation Sniffing Dogs

Are dogs being trained to detect subtle chiropractic subluxations? If so, can they really outperform the Subluxatron 9000-X? And what about cats? These questions and more won't be answered by this post, because it's clearly satire and doesn't represent reality or even the opinions of the managing editors of this website.

/ June 25, 2021

The Yoga RCT

Back in December, 2020, Chief Scientist for the WHO Dr. Soumya Swaminathan tweeted about a study that suggested yoga helped improve various blood markers in people with diabetes. However, a major flaw prevents the study from being rigorous enough to believe its conclusions.

/ June 20, 2021

Bad Documentary Review: The Great Culling

The Great Culling is a mess of an anti-fluoridation documentary trying to scare you into...something. I watched it so you don't have to, and you shouldn't.

/ June 19, 2021

“What Exactly Did the Virus do to All These People?” Reflections on Ted Nugent, Mel Q, Kelly Brogan, and John Ioannidis

The notion that many people are dying with SARS-CoV-2 not from SARS-CoV-2 has hindered our ability to contain to the virus. Whether the source is QAnon influencers or a highly credentialed scientists, we must push back on narratives that are used to minimize the danger of COVID-19.

/ June 18, 2021
Depopulation agenda

“Depopulation” by COVID-19 vaccines?

COVID-19 and antivaccine conspiracy theorists like Joe Mercola, Michael Yeadon, and Peter McCullough are spreading the conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines are intended as a tool for "global depopulation". This is nothing more than an old antivaccine conspiracy theory repurposed for the pandemic. As ridiculous as it might seem, it is nonetheless very appealing to antivaxxers.

/ June 14, 2021

Separating Fact from Fiction in Pediatric Medicine: Burping Doesn’t Prevent SIDS, and Other Gas Related Nonsense

Though a seemingly worldwide practice, there is little plausibility and no evidence to support burping infants before, during, or after feeds. And it doesn't have anything to do with SIDS.

/ June 11, 2021

Are COVID-19 Hospitalizations for Children Inflated?

Some recent articles portray children as relatively safe from the harms of COVID-19. Taking a critical look at the numbers and arguments, I see things a different way.

/ June 4, 2021

Artificial Sweeteners – A Free Lunch, or an Obesogenic Carcinogen? What 80+ Studies Say (part 2 of 2)

In the second and final chapter of this two part series, I conclude my exploration of the impact of artificial sweeteners on obesity, diabetes, the gut microbiome, and cancer.

/ June 4, 2021
Wuhan Institute of Virology

The origin of SARS-CoV-2, revisited

Since early in the pandemic, scientists have overwhelmingly concluded that evidence points to a natural origin for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, as a far more likely explanation for the pandemic than a laboratory origin. In May, however, there has been a lot of media chatter about the "lab leak" hypothesis, and President Biden even ordered US intelligence agencies to look...

/ May 31, 2021

A New Study Reveals that Naturopaths Order a Lot of Unnecessary Pediatric Labs

A new study further supports our concern that naturopathic doctors get a bunch of labs for no good reason.

/ May 28, 2021