What we're about

Are you a .NET developer or interested learning how to build apps across web, mobile, desktop, server and more with .NET? Then you are in the right place! The .NET Virtual User Group works with global .NET User Groups to live stream presentations around the globe! Join today and signup for an upcoming live stream!

Submit your upcoming events using this form: https://bit.ly/2OohRR2

Upcoming events (5)

Modeling and Partitioning for Azure Cosmos DB

Online event

Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s fully managed NoSQL database in Azure. Cosmos DB is a horizontally partitioned database which can provide unlimited storage and performance. However, to achieve that performance, you have to understand how to model and partition data for this type of database. In this session we’ll take an existing relational database that people are familiar with, Adventure Works, and redesign it so it can scale for the cloud.

Speaker: Mark Brown

Mark is a 20 year Microsoft veteran and has worked on a number of products and services including, Windows Mobile, Bing Maps and Microsoft’s Web Platform & Tools Team on open source web technologies. Mark has been on Azure since 2011 and has worked on Azure Web Apps Service, Redis Cache, Azure Networking and now Azure Cosmos DB. Prior to Microsoft, Mark worked for a number of early e-commerce and dot-com startups. Mark is passionate about distributed systems and databases, cloud computing and growing the developer community around Azure and Cosmos DB.

This session is run by the Los Angeles .NET Developers user group (https://www.meetup.com/LADOTNET) that hosts meetups in Los Angeles, CA.

Entity Framework Performance Monitoring and Tuning

Online event

Object Relational Mapping technologies, including the Entity Framework can drastically simplify the programming model against databases, but when done carelessly, performance can suffer. In this session, we'll explore some real-life strategies that have solved performance issues in production applications that I have encountered at a variety of customers.

By day, Jim Wooley is a consultant for Slalom Consulting, In his free time, Jim is a frequent speaker, MVP, and author of "LINQ in Action". He is always striving to stay at the forefront of technology and enjoys the thrill of a new challenge. He has been active evangelizing LINQ since it's announcement in 2005. In addition, he attempts to pass on the insights he has gained by being active in the community, including organizing and speaking at code camps and regional events, including DevLink, DevWeek, CodeMash, CodeStock, VS Live, and MIX.

This session is run by the Tulsa .NET User Group user group (https://www.meetup.com/TulsaDevelopers-net) that hosts meetups in Tulsa, OK, USA.

Serverless Web - Azure Static Web Apps by Andreas Wänqvist | BLbit UG

This event is hosted by BLbit UG - https://www.meetup.com/blbitug/​

Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/blbitug/events/278900523/

It's time for a new meetup! This time the topic is static web apps. The meetup will be in English. Our friend Andreas Wänqvist, Aurelia core team member, talks about Azure Static Web Apps. During the event, we will be giving away 2 JetBrains yearly subscriptions that can be used for JetBrains tools of your choice.

Serverless Web - Azure Static Web Apps


Web site as a service, is more or less what Azure Static Web Apps is offering. With great developer ergonomics, speedy deploys and a stunning price point - it's a great offering for smaller projects.

Azure Static Web Apps is a service where you can host your static web sites, supporting sites produced in everything from plain HTML to Blazor to full-fledged JavaScript frameworks such as Vue, React or Aurelia.

Join me as we dive into the features of the service, such as the CI/CD deployment with GitHub actions, creating an Azure Functions based API, securing routes with the built-in Auth handling and setting up a custom domain.

Andreas Wänqvist

Andreas has been working in different positions within enterprise during the last two decades. A few years ago his focus was on all things mobile, then it shifted towards building web systems. Nowadays, the focus is on cloud solutions and planet-scale architecture, as well as helping web developers be more productive.

Andreas is a Tech Lead at Voyado. On his spare time, he spends time with his family and is involved in OSS as an Aurelia Core Team member.

Azure Functions: a guide to getting started

Online event

Working with an existing system and its architecture can be a challenge, especially when it comes to adopting newer technologies. What may originally have been an appropriate architecture, may not now easily accommodate these newer technologies

Do we tackle the problem by refactoring our system, or do we need an overhaul?

More often than not, business critical features don't allow for a rewrite nor a rebuild, so we are faced with shoehorning new features into the existing project using the older framework or architecture.

This is where serverless technologies, such as Azure Functions, can come to the rescue.

By using Azure Functions you can create solutions using modern .NET/C# features without necessarily touching older parts of our existing software.

In this session I will show you how to build a service using Azure Functions.

We will use a variety of function triggers such as HTTP and Queue, combining them together into a self contained service that can co-exist with our existing project.

We'll also cover security, developing functions locally, architecture and much more.

Layla Porter
Live Coder, Microsoft MVP, Director - .NET Foundation

Layla is a Live Coder on Twitch, specializing in the .NET stack. She is a Microsoft MVP, a director on the board of the .NET Foundation, and co-organizer of MK .NET user group. Layla loves sharing knowledge whilst having fun. No question is stupid and beginners are always welcome.

This session is run by the Orlando .NET User Group (ONETUG) user group (https://www.meetup.com/ONETUG) that hosts meetups in Orlando, FL.

Past events (145)

Entity Framework Core Pitfalls

Online event

Photos (107)