Eric, baby Elliot and Wei Shi, a family full of hopes — and fears too. (Photo: Goh Chiew Tong)

They grieved when their baby was born blind. Now they see a world of possibilities for him

Eric and Wei Shi panicked at first: How could they raise Elliot to be like everyone else? Would he lag developmentally? Could he ever be rich and ...

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The best type of exercise? A new study shows blood test holds clues

Researchers are studying the proteins in blood to learn why some of us respond to certain forms of exercise better than others.

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COVID-19 vaccination: Why some seniors are holding back, and how a little nudge can help

Some are grappling with pre-existing medical conditions, while others prefer to ‘wait and see’. Experts suggest ways to get ...


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Based on the statistics collated on BTO launches since 2011, the oversubscription rates in the popular housing estates, like Bidadari, Ang Mo Kio, Kallang/Whampoa, Bedok, Bishan, Toa Payoh and Clementi, were estimated at nearly six times and above, on average.

Professor Sing Tien Foo from NUS discusses the affordability of BTO flats in Singapore

park edge @ bidadari
Commentary Commentary: Is housing still affordable for first-time homeowners?
Biden also noted that the intelligence community only held low to moderate confidence in their assessments on the origin of COVID-19, and the community disagreed on whether zoonotic spill-over was more likely.

Geopolitics could be the biggest driver behind calls for investigations into the origins of COVID-19, says foreign policy expert Christian Le Miere

The P4 laboratory (C) at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China  one of just among a
Commentary Commentary: What’s really behind fresh calls for investigations into COVID-19 origins
Even if we did compare China’s poorest areas with the standards of a “lower-middle-income” country—like Vietnam or Cameroon—the poverty line should then be set at around US$3.20. This is still about 40 per cent higher than China’s current standard and at where about 40 million people would have been considered poor in 2018.

SMU's John Donaldson assesses how successful China has been in eradicating poverty

A village sits outside a farmhouse compound in a village in rural Shaanxi province
Commentary Commentary: A hundred years of revolution, China still can’t take its eyes off poverty
Now, as South Korea appears to be taking steps toward the end of the pandemic, mask etiquette is loosening on the trails before anywhere else. On hikes in recent weeks, I’ve come across groups of middle-aged people all with their masks pulled down over their chins or off entirely.

Writer Steven Borowiec explains why South Koreans are finally breathing a sigh of relief in their fight against the pandemic

Virus Outbreak South Korea Daliy Life
Commentary Commentary: South Koreans wring hands over removing mask rules for the vaccinated
The fare increase has attracted negative reactions from some customers concerned with the timing of the fare increase – in the middle of Singapore’s battle with a second wave of infections.

NUS Business School's Nitin Pangarkar analyses the implications of Grab's recent fare hike

Grab postpones implementation of revised points system
Commentary Commentary: Could S$1 ride-hailing fee hike hurt Grab more than it realises?
Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States, South Korea and Canada have seen the highest proportions of unfavourable public views of China in almost two decades, reversing gains made since China joined the World Trade Organisation under the leadership of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao.

China's charm offensive to make more friends may face some hurdles, explains Professor Bo Zhiyue

China under President Xi Jinping launched a programme in 2015 to make the country a leading power in
Commentary Commentary: Some soul-searching needed in China’s fresh push to make friends and influence people

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