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  1. May 25

    🎖 This really is such a bookmark-worthy post: 📊 “The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)” by [GIF: shows each stage of evolution of the plot]

  2. May 30
    The basics of R (for ecologists), shows that a leaf + laptop code = data science in ecology.
  3. May 26

    Tableau-style linked hover between a map and chart in - all you need is ggiraph + patchwork, no Shiny required! Here's how, with an example adapted from the tidycensus docs:

  4. May 30

    Big Book of R now has over 200 books!

  5. May 27

    So is using R just googling. “How to do this” and then spending 30+mins trying to adapt that code to your data?😕

  6. People View all

  7. May 27

    My violin plots look like stingrays!!

  8. 13 hours ago

    Outliers are influential observations that can cause problems for (interpreting) regression models, and they need to be detected for further scrutiny. The {check_outliers} function from {performance} 📦 can do this effortlessly 🏋️‍♀️

  9. May 30

    If you'd like to help grow the Twitter community, considering sharing with someone you know. and I wrote it to help newbies to the platform find their way around quickly :).

  10. May 28

    When you find out, not just statistics, you need to know linear algebra too

  11. May 29

    Yearly reminder: If you want to re-install all your 4.0 packages in R 4.1, you can use these three lines lib_loc <- "Library/R/4.0/library/" to_install <- unname(installed.packages(lib.loc = lib_loc)[, "Package"]) install.packages(to_install)

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  12. May 29

    Pretty proud of my small library IPAs and have been around for awhile, a fun journey so far (I still think of DNA samples when talking about "library")

  13. May 25

    Really nice ggplot tutorial on how to polish a boxplot. All code is provided and there are step by step instructions.

  14. May 29

    I'm a beginnerish R user and this is my first ! My goal is to try new figures and cleaning techniques each week to expand my skills, as well as maintaining learned skills! For this week I made a map of each Survivor TV show location and labeled the winners.

    world map of Survivor TV show winners and where the episode was filmed. labels are winners' first names and colored points are the countries in which they won.
tidytues <- readr::read_csv('')
world = subset(countryref, select = c(name, centroid.lon,
world %% distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) -> world df = world %>% right_join(tidytues, by = c("name" = "country")) ggplot() + geom_polygon(data = worldmap, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = NA, colour = "lightgrey") + geom_point(data = df, aes(x = centroid.lon, y =, colour = winner), show.legend = FALSE) + coord_quickmap()+ theme_void()+ geom_text_repel(data = df, aes(label = winner, x = centroid.lon, y =, max.overlaps = 25) " style="height: 100%; left: -22px;">
  15. 16 hours ago

    My first post. An epic 40 season, 590+ episode show. Reception of the show among youth over the years is interesting. . Source:

  16. 14 minutes ago

    My first entry! This week's dataset is on the American TV show Survivor and I decided to look at the age distribution of contestants in the last five seasons. code:

  17. 9 minutes ago

    New blog post up for ggplot custom 💫interactive💫 sunbursts! 🍰create some layers w/ geom_rect() 🔄 rotate w/ coord_polar() 🪄 sprinkle in some {ggiraph} for hover over interactivity 😎 demo data w/ salary survey

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  18. May 30

    The {latex2exp} 📦 is useful to convert LaTeX equations to R’s {plotmath}. But what if we instead want to do the opposite: convert {plotmath} expressions to LaTeX? The {expr2latex} function from {simsalapar} 📦 does exactly this! 🔀

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  19. May 26

    Bar charts are a good way to visualize categorical data but making a well-labeled bar chart can be time-consuming. The {ggbarstats} function from {ggstatsplot} 📦 easily produces such a chart (with additional statistical details) 📊

  20. May 27

    {supercell} - an package allowing to apply the concept of superpixels to a variety of spatial data. You can try it by yourself at . (This is still WIP - I look forward to your comments and questions.)

    A superpixel segmentation llines on the top of a satellite image.
    A superpixel segmentation lines on the top of an elevation raster.
  21. 22 hours ago

    One of my early motivations for getting started in development was my inability to remember state and county FIPS codes. Hidden in the tigris package is `tigris::lookup_code()`, which I still use regularly for this purpose:

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