Microsoft Investor Relations - Home Page



April 27, 2021
Microsoft Cloud Fuels Third Quarter Results
April 26, 2021
How Microsoft cloud technology and co-innovation approach are driving business value for customers across industry
April 12, 2021
Microsoft accelerates industry cloud strategy for healthcare with the acquisition of Nuance
March 16, 2021
Microsoft announces quarterly dividend

Upcoming Events

  • Morgan Stanley Sustainable Futures Conference
  • June 9, 2021 1:15 PM - PT
  • Morgan Stanley Sustainable Futures Conference

  • Kristen Roby Dimlow, CVP, Total Rewards, Performance and HRBI

Past Events

  • June 7, 2021 8:45 AM - PT
  • Evercore ISI TMT Conference

  • Chris Capossela, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Marketing and Consumer Business
  • June 4, 2021 12:00 AM - PT
  • Investor Relations Fireside Chat Series: Security

  • Virtual Meeting

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