Content Syndication.

The ESI Media syndication team handle all content licensing for The Independent and Evening Standard and archives of The Independent on Sunday. We can provide access to both historical and up-to-the minute articles, images and video available now for all kinds of media, education and business projects.

Our enviable mix of international, national and agenda-setting metropolitan news content has helped create an impressive portfolio covering a broad range of article types; from news reporting in the Middle East, environmental long read sand Brexit exclusives to A-list celebrity interviews, fashion show coverage, award winning sport coverage and film reviews.

What we offer

For nearly 200 years our publications have recorded thousands of momentous global news events, from moon landings, elections andwars to toppled Prime Ministers, strikes and scandals.

We offer the opportunity to license written content, images and videos from The Independent and Evening Standard and the archives of The Independent on Sunday, enabling you to tap into an incredibly diverse archive of world-class journalism. From news reporting in the Middle East to A-list celebrity interviews, coverage of dramatic political or sporting events to iconic images from our picture library; our content is licensed for a wide range of use cases such as global publishing, corporate broachures or reports, educational publishing and examination questions.

To discuss the use of this material please email or call 020 3615 0102
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Theatrical use

Our products regularly appear in theatre, TV and film productions, adding contentand continuity to a production. Historical articles from The Independent are often used to give at-a-glance detail to a story or documentary and The Evening Standard’s front page and on-street vendor bills can help to set both the date, context and location of a London scene.

Using our in-house design team Story Studio, we can also design an authentic, bespoke publication for fictional dramas.

To discuss the use of this material please email or call 020 3615 0102
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Indy Best & ES Best

Eve Ipad
Es Best

The Independent and Evening Standard review hundreds of consumer products every year, providing our readers with recommendations following real-life testing by industry experts. Featured brands can license the Indy Best and ES Best logos and written copy to use on promotional and marketing material, to maximise the benefit of this editorial endorsement.

If your brand has been featured and you’d like to discuss using the logo, please email or call 020 3615 0102

72% Of Customers will take action only after reading a positive review*

IndyBest reviews generated over £15m in order value in 2017

IndyBest generates around 2 million online visits a month, and reviews over 800 products each year.

Product reviews are unbiased, offering independent advice people can trust. The reviews are compiled through a mix of expert opinion and real-world testing.


Content for Marketing Use

Use quotes from our impartial reviews from our tech, business and culture sections for marketing and promotional material.

For more details, please email or call 020 3615 0102

Framed Images

You can purchase timeless imagery, framed and ready to hang, selected from the extensive photo libraries of both The Evening Standard and The Independent from our partners Fleet Street Finest.

or call 01462 421894

For more details, please email or call 020 3615 0102
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