The ASP.NET Team


The *official* account for Microsoft .

Redmond, WA and Worldwide
Menyertai Oktober 2011


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  1. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Mei
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  2. 25 Mei

    ⭐ updates in .NET 6 Preview 4⭐ 🔹Introducing minimal APIs 🔹Async streaming 🔹Improved single-page app (SPA) templates 🔹.NET Hot Reload updates 🔹Blazor WebAssembly ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation 🔹.NET MAUI Blazor apps 🔹+ lots more!

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    20 Mei

    Hey devs, are you using Core on .NET Framework? We'd love to ask you a few questions if you have 3-4 minutes:

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  4. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Mei

    Core Web / BlazorTemplates are going to have a visual redesign, including updating to the latest Bootstrap and creating a theme. Our summer intern 🥰put together a survey; we would ❤️ to know what you want/expect

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  5. 18 Mei

    Starting now! Come join us to learn more about accessibility for developers from and !

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  6. 18 Mei
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  7. 17 Mei

    Get ready for this week's Community Standup: 🕸️Accessibility for Web Developers 🌟Featuring Chris Heilmann (), Sarah Higley () 🗓Tuesday | May 18 ⏰10:00 AM Pacific | 17:00 UTC

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  8. Mengetweet Semula
    12 Mei

    The monthly dev sprints on the repo are back... ...except this time they're for the whole repo, not just Blazor! Join us for the first one tomorrow (May 13th) and contribute to SignalR, Kestrel, Blazor, and more! Deets at

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  9. 12 Mei

    Join us for Core sprint day on Thursday May 13th! Members of the team will be available to help new and returning contributors make contributions to the AspNetCore repo. More info:

    ASP.NET Core Sprints
Every 2nd Thursday of the month
More info at
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  10. 10 Mei

    No Community Standup this week. It's a busy month! We've had some really interesting shows recently... Maybe catch up on a recent episode you missed?

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  11. Mengetweet Semula
    7 Mei

    You've been asking a lot of questions over what's happen with ASPNet Core and Identity server. Here are the plans for 6.0.

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  12. 4 Mei
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  13. 4 Mei
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  14. 3 Mei

    Get ready for this week's Community Standup: 🕸️Minimal APIs 🌟Featuring: David Fowler () Maria Naggaga () Stephen Halter () 🗓Tuesday | May 4 ⏰10:00 AM Pacific | 17:00 UTC

    .NET Community Standup
Minimal APIs
Featuring: David Fowler (@davidfowl), Maria Naggaga (@LadyNaggaga), Stephen Halter (@halter73)
    Buat asal
  15. 27 Apr
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  16. 27 Apr
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  17. 26 Apr

    Get ready for this week's Community Standup: 🕸️SPA Updates 🌟Featuring Maria Naggaga (), Javier Calvarro Nelson 🗓Tuesday | Apr 27 ⏰10:00 AM Pacific | 17:00 UTC

    .NET Community Standup
SPA Updates
Featuring: Maria Naggaga (@LadyNaggaga), Javier Calvarro Nelson
    Buat asal
  18. 20 Apr
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  19. 20 Apr
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  20. 19 Apr

    Get ready for this week's Community Standup: 🎬 updates in .NET 6 🌟Featuring 🗓Tuesday | Apr 20 ⏰10:00 AM Pacific | 17:00 UTC

    .NET Community Standup
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6
Featuring: Daniel Roth
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