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Redmond, WA
Unit: agost de 2012


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  1. fa 11 hores

    Ooooh, Aaaah‼️ has a new article about the new GitHub Copilot. ... and we'd <3 to hear what our devs think about it. ➖ Writing some unit tests ➖ Have GitHub Copilot help you implement new methods Learn more about joining the preview:

    github copilot flowchart
  2. fa 14 hores

    New from : Preview 12 Focuses on Quality, Stabilization, and Boosts Shell Navigation. 📖 👉

  3. fa 18 hores

    Let's Learn .NET is an ongoing, monthly beginner event series that is streamed live on and created just for you to join in, learn something new, and leave with something that we all built together, with experts!

    Learn Live title slide with the title of the episode and the names of the speakers in the center.
  4. fa 18 hores
  5. ha retuitat
    fa 21 hores

    📢 "Deploy Orleans to Azure App Service". Take a shopping cart app, built using and ; deploy it using , actions, and the .NET and Azure CLIs. This article ties all these concepts together. 🔥 🔗

  6. fa 21 hores

    Are you a web developer? Next up. Part three of the Entity Framework for Beginners series. This episode discusses and 's Dependency Injection container - the perfect match to accelerate your web app development. 📽️

  7. 4 de maig

    In this The Unhandled Exception Podcast, and chat about their monthly online meetup where teams of between 3 and 6 people "meet monthly to come up with cool solutions to pointless problems”. Listen in:

    Image of The Unhandled Exception title screen on the left and the title of the episode on the right.
  8. 4 de maig

    isn't just for new databases. Next up in our series on for beginners, we'll see how to reverse engineer an existing database for use with EF Core. 📽️

    Entity Framework for Beginners title slide with the title of the episode and the names of the speakers in the center.
  9. 4 de maig

    Lots of data? Page it. But what's the best approach? What about keyset pagination? ‼️ Happening now ‼️ join the .NET team when we page the author of "keyset pagination for " Mohammed Rahhal to discuss and answer your questions live:

    .NET Community Standup title slide with the title of the episode and the names of the speakers in the center.
  10. ha retuitat
    4 de maig

    ✨ Final video in our series from ✨ This week, Bob tells us about a learning path that ramps you up quickly on .NET and C#. Check it out:

  11. 4 de maig

    .NET MAUI Release Candidate 2 is now available. ...and even better, has joined the list of target platforms you can reach with it‼️ ➕, is now covered by a “go-live” support policy and is ready for your production apps. See what's new:

  12. 3 de maig

    In case you missed the Community Standup earlier today, we got an overview of the YARP (yet another reverse proxy) 1.1 release from the team. Drop in on the session replay:

    https://msft.it/6016bEVl4 Community Standup title slide with the title of the episode and the names of the speakers in the center.
  13. 3 de maig

    Our "On .NET Live" show is looking for .NET developer community members to join as a featured guest. If you have an interesting open-source project, or experience that you'd like to share — please submit your ideas:

  14. ha retuitat
    3 de maig

    ✨ NEW ✨ Entity Framework Core for Beginners 🎙️ Hosted by Start learning this modern object-database mapper for now! 🧠➡️

  15. 3 de maig
  16. 3 de maig

    We have released the April 2022 Cumulative Update Preview for Framework. Here are all the resources you need to take advantage -

  17. 2 de maig

    var num = 303; var title = $$"""Episode #{{num}}"""; Say "Hello1" to C# 11... In today's Merge Conflict Podcast, and discuss where they are along their journey to embrace :

    Image showing the Merge Conflict Podcast title slide on the left and a developer sitting in front of their computer while listening to a podcast through headphones on the right.
  18. ha retuitat
    2 de maig
    Mostra el fil
  19. 2 de maig

    Imagine if Visual Studio managed dependencies to various Azure services; taking care of connection strings, downloading the services SDK libraries, and even popping in some boilerplate code for you? On today's , we see it in live action. 📽️

    Image showing the On .NET Show’s title slide with the show title on the left and a computer monitor live streaming the show hosts as they conduct the webinar virtually on the right.
  20. 2 de maig

    . talked to about the future of Core 7 and the plan for EF6 to Porting. 📖 the article here:


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