Responding to COVID-19 together. What we’re doing, what you can do, and what we can do together to best respond to new challenges.

Empowerment begins with trust

To create a safer world empowered by digital transformation, we handle your data securely and in compliance with privacy and legal requirements.

Photograph showing several people working in a large, open office area. One person sits at a high table working on a laptop.

“If we can’t protect people, then we don’t deserve their trust.”

—Brad Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer, Microsoft

Principles for maintaining data integrity in the cloud

EMCOR logo

Microsoft fully supports our commitment to security and data privacy as defined by internal and customer-driven requirements...This was a major differentiator for us.

Peter Baker, Senior IT Director, EMCOR Group

Security, privacy, and compliance blogs

Additional resources

Compliance offerings

Maintain compliance in the cloud with help from a comprehensive set of more than 90 offerings.

Law enforcement data requests

View the number of requests for customer data we receive from law enforcement agencies.

US national security orders report

View statistics about demands received from the US government pursuant to national security laws.

International export controls

Read an overview of international export control laws and regulations and Microsoft Office 365.
