Building trust starts by applying our culture and values to build lasting relationships inside and outside Microsoft. Our values are the enduring principles that we use to do business with integrity and win trust every day. Our culture is our operating framework—who we are and how we behave.

Achieving our mission all depends on building trust with people and organizations around the globe—our goals are only possible when people trust Microsoft and trust our technology

Our Values




Our Culture

Growth Mindset

Customer Obsessed

One Microsoft

Diverse and Inclusive

Making a Difference

How to Use the Standards to Make Good Decisions

Making good decisions and ethical choices builds trust between each of us and the people we interact with. But not all situations you encounter are straightforward—how do you make the best choice when facing difficult or unclear circumstances? How do you navigate ethical dilemmas?

When faced with a difficult decision or situation follow these steps:

1. Pause

Does a situation make you uneasy? Are your instincts telling you something is not quite right? Pause and consider how to approach the situation.

2. Think

Is your approach consistent with Microsoft’s culture and the values in these Standards? Does it build or maintain trust? Never sacrifice long-term reputation and trust for a short-term benefit.

3. Ask

Ask questions and get help. Talk to CELA, Finance or HR. Get help from your manager or another manager. Email These are good resources to help you make the right decision.