Employees’ Responsibilities

You are expected to uphold these Standards, Microsoft policies, and the law.

This means you must:
  • Read, understand and comply with these Standards, and the policies, laws, and regulations that apply to your job.
  • Speak up when you see possible violations of the Standards, Microsoft policies, and legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Be truthful, and cooperate fully in any internal investigations. Do not conceal or destroy information.
  • Complete training on the Standards, and attest that you understand and commit to comply with the Standards.
Failing to read or attest to the Standards does not excuse you from these responsibilities.


Microsoft’s Standards of Business Conduct and its Ethics and Compliance Program are endorsed by and have the full support of Microsoft’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and management is responsible for overseeing the Ethics and Compliance Program and compliance with these Standards.


The Standards apply to Microsoft, its Board of Directors, and all employees, directors, executive officers of Microsoft. When we refer to “Microsoft” we mean Microsoft Corporation and all its subsidiaries and affiliates in which it directly or indirectly owns more than 50% of the voting controls. References to “employees” include the Board of Directors, employees, directors, and executive officers of Microsoft.

Enforcement & Waivers

These Standards are important to us. Violation of these Standards may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Only the Board of Directors may waive a provision of the Standards for a director or executive officer. Any waiver that is granted to a director or executive officer will be publicly disclosed as required by NASDAQ listing requirements and applicable laws, rules and regulations.