Privileged Identity Management

Discover, restrict, and monitor access rights

Ensure your admin accounts stay secure by limiting access to critical operations.

Safeguard your organization with a seamless identity solution

What is Privileged Identity Management?

Privileged Identity Management provides time-based and approval-based role activation to mitigate the risks of excessive, unnecessary, or misused access to important resources in your organization.

Privileged Identity Management

With the existing solution, IT had no way to track what content users were interacting with, how long resources had been shared, whether accounts were still active, and whether user privileges were at risk of expiring — an auditing nightmare.

Privileged Identity Management in Azure AD

Azure AD Privileged Identity Management enables you to limit standing admin access to privileged roles, discover who has access, and review privileged access.

Intro to Privileged Identity Management

Manage, control, and monitor access to important resources in your organization with Privileged Identity Management in Azure AD.

Manage least privilege access

Enforce the principle of least privilege by periodically reviewing, renewing, and extending access to resources.

Use just-in-time privileged access

Eliminate persistent access and enforce time-limited access for critical roles in Privileged Identity Management.

Discover and monitor access

Ensure you know who has access to what and receive notifications when privileged roles are activated.

Take a deep dive into Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.


See how Microsoft uses Privileged Identity Management to manage elevated access for users who have privileged roles for Azure services.

Additional Privileged Identity Management resources

Get started with Privileged Identity Management

Learn about the prerequisites and prepare your Privileged Identity Management deployment.

Deploy Privileged Identity Management

Get step-by-step instructions on how to plan deployment of Privileged Identity Management in your Azure AD organization.

Configure Privileged Identity Management

Find out about configuring Privileged Identity Management with Discovery and Insights for Azure AD roles.

Safeguard your organization with a seamless identity solution