Hoon Hian Teck on COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Amendment No. 3) Bill


Hoon Hian Teck on COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Amendment No. 3) Bill

(Updated: )

Singaporeans must avoid the “false dichotomy” that policymaking involves choosing one of only two options - closing borders to save lives, or opening borders to save the economy. In fact, closing borders also imposes costs on human well-being, said NMP Hoon Hian Teck in Parliament on Tuesday (May 11). He cited senior citizens not having maids to take care of them, or lack of migrant workers delaying the building of BTO flats and hence the plans of young couples to start families. Prof Hoon said policies must instead adapt to unforeseen circumstances amid the pandemic by improving tradeoffs.
