Inside Microsoft: Our Work in CELA

Creating a legal profession that reflects the public we serve

Microsoft CELA is committed to holding ourselves accountable for diversity and inclusion progress. We believe that to be successful, we must understand how to connect, communicate with and persuade people of all races, genders, abilities and cultures. And we can’t do that unless our diversity mirrors that of our customers. To solve the complex problems that face us around the globe, we need a diversity of perspectives and experiences.

We actively seek to increase the diversity of our department through talent initiatives and investment in people with a focus on increased representation worldwide of women, LGBT individuals and people with disabilities. In the U.S., we also aim to increase representation of racial and ethnic minorities and U.S. military veterans. And we work to create a culture of inclusion throughout our department that enables individuals and team to do their best work.

Employee Networks

Our CELA employee networks drive greater cultural awareness and a greater appreciation of the value of diversity. They provide members with support, networking and mentoring, and provide feedback to senior leadership.


We support pledges and initiatives, such the American Bar Association’s Pledge for Change: Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession.


Our leaders prioritize diversity and inclusion, and support and empower managers and employees to drive measurable improvements with respect to both.


We promote and encourage employees, managers and leaders to take advantage of a number of diversity and inclusion training courses.


We host a variety of events to raise awareness of differences across cultures, backgrounds and experiences; recognize and promote the value of diversity; and teach inclusion.