A person on a Teams video call with four other participants.

Azure Data Community

Welcome to the Azure Data Community. Below, you’ll find user groups and resources related to SQL Server, Azure Data, and diversity and inclusion.


To empower our community, we are providing you with some resources to help you continue to connect with one another, learn and develop your skills, and grow in your careers.

Community-created resources

Below are community-created resources related to data from edge, to on-premises, to cloud, to multi-cloud.

Blogs Websites and forums Videos and recordings Podcasts

Erin Stellato

Ginger Grant

Hasan Savran

Itzik Ben-Gan

John Deardurff

John Q. Martin

Kenneth Fisher

Ming Man Chan

Monica Rathbun

Randolph West

Warwick Rudd

Wolfgang Strasser

Check out recent and upcoming events and webcasts

Microsoft-created resources

Below are resources related to data from edge, to on-premises, to cloud, to multi-cloud.

SQL Server Azure SQL Azure Synapse & Cosmos DB Azure Arc-enabled data services

Diversity & inclusion resources

General Questions


Azure Data includes SQL ServerAzure SQLAzure Synapse AnalyticsAzure Arc enabled data services, and other data-related Azure services.

Please fill out this survey.

Please contact the Azure Data Community team by filling out this survey.

You must have at least one group leader and one designated co-leader.

Both the leader and designated co-leader must sign and accept the T&Cs.

Group leaders may not charge other members a fee to attend Group meetings, except in cases in which the venue and/or hosting costs (e.g., food and beverages) are passed through to members.

Yes, Groups must maintain a published code of conduct that is easily accessible from the Group’s home page. See guidance.

You must maintain a regular meeting cadence including having meetings at least SIX (6) times per year.

At least half of your meetings must relate to or cover Azure Data products & services or relate to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) or Professional Development targeted to data professionals.

SQL Server (on Windows, Linux, and in Containers, on-premises and in Microsoft Azure)

Azure Arc Enabled Data Services

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Data Catalog

Azure Data Lake

Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Azure Databricks

Azure HDInsight, Hadoop and Spark on Azure

Azure Purview

Azure Search

Azure SQL (Database, Pools, Serverless, Hyperscale, Managed Instance, Virtual Machines)

Azure SQL Edge

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics

Big Data Clusters

Cortana Intelligence Suite

Data Warehousing (Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Fast Track and APS)

Information Management (ADF, SSIS, and Data Sync)

SQL Server Machine Learning Services

SQL Server Reporting Services and Analysis Services

Yes, all groups must comply with the Program's Code of Conduct. See CoC.

All group must adhere to Microsoft’s Trademark and Brand guidelines, when using any Microsoft trademarks or referring to Microsoft’s software, products or services. See guidelines.

You may choose to remove the Group from the Program at any time by referencing the information here. If the Group leaves the Program, it will no longer receive related communications from Microsoft and no longer have access to Benefits.

You may stop being the group leader, or may make leadership changes at any time by providing Microsoft with at least 14 days’ written notice, via email at ms-data@microsoft.com. In order for the Group to continue as part of the Program without suspension, the notification to Microsoft must identify the new group leader or co-leader.

Your participation in the Program does not create a partnership, agency or employer-employee relationship with Microsoft or any of its suppliers. Neither you nor the Group will make any statements on behalf of Microsoft or its suppliers about Microsoft or its suppliers, or any of Microsoft’s or its suppliers’ products or services.

Yes. Failure to meet any of the Program requirements throughout the duration of the Group’s participation may result in the Group’s removal from the Program. We may also remove the Group or suspend the Group’s participation in the Program at any time if we suspect that the Group has violated any of these T&Cs. Unless Microsoft believes an immediate suspension is required, Microsoft will provide you reasonable notice before removing the Group from the Program.


Prohibited Uses


You or the Group will not use the Program:

  1. To try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any Microsoft or third-party service, device, data, account or network.
  2. To financially enrich yourself, any member of the Group, or any third party.
  3. In a way prohibited by law, regulation, governmental order or decree.

If you would like to remove your group from the Azure Tech Groups program, you can initiate that process by emailing ms-data@microsoft.com. By withdrawing from the program, all program benefits and communications for your group will be terminated.

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