Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Certifications

Earn certifications that show you are keeping pace with today’s technical roles and requirements. Select a job role to discover certification paths.


Developers design, build, test, and maintain cloud solutions.


Administrators implement, monitor, and maintain Microsoft solutions.

Solution Architect

Solutions Architects have expertise in compute, network, storage, security.

Data Engineer

Data Engineers design and implement the management, monitoring, security, and privacy of data using the full stack of data services.

Data Scientist

Data Scientists apply machine learning techniques to train, evaluate, and deploy models that solve business problems.

AI Engineer

AI Engineers use Cognitive Services, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Mining to architect and implement Microsoft AI solutions.

DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers combine people, process, and technologies to continuously deliver valuable products and services that meet end user needs and business objectives.

Security Engineer

Security Engineers implement security controls and threat protection, manage identity and access, and protect data, applications, and networks.

Functional Consultant

Functional Consultants leverage Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform to anticipate and plan for customer needs.

Become Microsoft Certified

Microsoft has certification paths for many technical job roles. Each of these certifications consists of passing a series of exams to earn certification.

Do you want to earn additional income?

We're partnering with Upwork to connect Azure certified freelancers with customers.

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How to prepare for certification

Microsoft understands everyone has different learning preferences so we provide certifications and training options throughout your certification journey.

Woman looking at a Microsoft Surface

Free learning paths to prepare

With Microsoft Learn, anyone can master core concepts at their speed and on their schedule. Whether it’s a single module to learn about a core task or exploring a topic fully through a collection of related modules.

Man presenting to four people seated around a table

Prepare with instructor-led training

Microsoft Learning Partners offer a breadth of solutions to suit your learning needs, empowering you to achieve your training goals. Microsoft Certified Trainers have completed rigorous training and have met stringent technical certification requirements.

Learning resources

Find a Microsoft Learning Partner

Our worldwide partner network delivers flexible, solutions-based, customized training in Microsoft technologies.

Support for certifications and exams

Get help through support forums. A forum moderator will respond in one business day, Monday-Friday.

Browse all certifications and exams

Explore all certifications to take your career to the next level.

Microsoft Certifications

Microsoft Certifications give a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in a digital and cloud businesses.

Benefits of certifications

Upon earning a certification, 67% of tech professionals say they had greater self-confidence in abilities to perform in their jobs, 41% reported increased job satisfaction, and 35% saw a salary or wage increase.- 2018 Pearson VUE Value of IT Certification.

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of certified IT professionals say certification gives them more professional credibility.

2018 Pearson VUE Value of Certification


of certified IT professionals say their expertise is more sought after within their organization.

Global Knowledge 2019 IT skills and salary report


of decision makers agree certified employees provide added value.

Global Knowledge 2019 IT Decision Makers Insights