Bloomberg GreenVerified account


The intersection of environmentally engaged + solutions seekers.

Joined October 2016


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  1. Building new coal plants didn't make any sense. Now neither does keeping them running most of the time

  2. 1 hour ago

    Polluters trying to go green have been tipped by analysts and fund managers as the next companies that could attract billions of dollars worth of ESG inflows

  3. While Wall Street is on pace to earn record fees this year from climate-conscious debt, bankers make far more money financing the companies fueling global warming

  4. Controversial plans to mine the ocean floor face a key test this year when a United Nations body unveils rules that could spur the exploitation of hundreds of billions of dollars of battery metals

  5. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    NEW COVER: A sexting scandal. A $200,000 payout. A brutal fight for the last word. This is the untold story of how Jeff Bezos beat the tabloids.

  6. European polluters will soon be able to ship their carbon emissions to Iceland to be turned into stone in the volcanic island's bedrock

  7. Salmon are so vital that scientists call them a "keystone" species, since animals such as bears and eagles depend on them, and the fish indirectly spread nutrients into ecosystems including forests

  8. Trans Mountain Pipeline effort to keep its insurers names confidential was accepted by regulators

  9. Scientists are starting to pinpoint the biggest sources of methane, and advances in surveillance equipment have revealed hidden polluters

  10. The hottest battery company stands by its early stage technology that promises to increase an electric car’s range and reduce charging time

  11. When Big Oil sells off projects to become greener, the pollution isn't stopping. In fact, it may get even worse. Read the investigation by :

  12. A joint venture in Japan has scrapped plans for a coal-fired power plant, leaving the country with no new construction on the horizon as companies drop the dirty fuel

  13. No, meeting climate goals doesn't mean you have to buy an EV. But pretty soon you might want to

  14. Mayors and city managers across the world are reimagining the entire urban fabric to be greener, more efficient and more resilient

  15. Predictions of peak oil and the impending demise of fossil fuels will hit Asian oil refiners especially hard

  16. Supply-chain headaches are pinching the solar industry

  17. Climate promises made by global leaders since last September have improved the outlook for global warming by 0.2 degrees Celsius

  18. AES agreed to supply Google with renewable energy to power its data centers in Virginia

  19. A Chilean group is working on a $300 million fund to boost the development of green hydrogen as a tool in the transition to cleaner energy

  20. Germany’s top court rules Chancellor Angela Merkel’s climate-protection efforts are falling short, a stinging setback for her conservative bloc just months before national elections


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