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    30 Apr

    1/ When people moved out of expensive cities, where did they go? A year of migration data reveals trends and interesting surprises:

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  2. 25 menit yang lalu

    The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which lays down the law on U.S. street markings and design, is up for revision. gives us a brief rundown of six of the draft’s biggest flaws

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    3 jam yang lalu

    When a gossip rag went after Jeff Bezos, he retaliated with the brutal, brilliant efficiency he used to build his business empire to control the narrative. dropped by to discuss new details revealed in his new book 'Amazon Unbound'

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    5 jam yang lalu

    I wrote about the 6 biggest problems with the proposed new MUTCD -- the rule book that dictates how roads look and function across the United States for . A big moment for to potentially reform US transportation

  5. 2 jam yang lalu

    There is a window of opportunity here, as temperatures and vaccination rates rise, to keep the public gains communities have made in reclaiming the streets for walking, biking and dining, and extending them more explicitly to play

  6. 3 jam yang lalu

    "You can now find tourists walking in the streets at night. They don't feel threatened and I think this has a big impact on tourism."

  7. 4 jam yang lalu

    The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which lays down the law on U.S. street markings and design, is up for revision. Many bike and pedestrian safety advocates are demanding big changes, writes

  8. 4 jam yang lalu

    "It's easy for privileged folks to support this vision of urbanism without making any sacrifices," writes Anna Zivarts.

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    4 jam yang lalu

    We're exploring the How To’s of business, technology, culture, creativity, entertainment, and global affairs. Don't miss - 5 days of interviews and explainers bringing 's upcoming "How To" issue to life.

  10. 5 jam yang lalu

    The pandemic has dramatically reshaped real estate — but that doesn't mean home prices have suddenly become cheap. Explore what's happened in key cities from Sydney to London to New York

  11. 6 jam yang lalu

    In 15 U.S. metro areas, Bloomberg breaks down the unemployment picture by race

  12. 7 jam yang lalu

    Philadelphia's Playstreets program gives a glimpse of what a Summer of Play could look like everywhere. The city has more than 300 participating streets across the city each summer

  13. 8 jam yang lalu

    Read our interview with Cameron Blevins about his new book, "Paper Trails: The U.S. Post and the Making of the American West."

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    10 jam yang lalu

    NEW COVER: A sexting scandal. A $200,000 payout. A brutal fight for the last word. This is the untold story of how Jeff Bezos beat the tabloids.

  15. 10 jam yang lalu

    "We need to get serious about moving pretrial detainees out of our jails, vaccinating our inmates and creating a new culture of justice in St. Louis."

  16. 11 jam yang lalu

    While child care centers across the U.S. have faced a spate of closures during the pandemic, Quebec's model for universal subsidized child care had a markedly different experience. reports:

  17. 13 jam yang lalu

    High desert Hollywood: Netflix's growing New Mexico studios promise to be among the largest film production hubs in North America

  18. 14 jam yang lalu

    A new book argues that mail service played a critical role in the U.S. government's westward expansion and occupation of Native lands

  19. 16 jam yang lalu

    It's time for cities to roll out the obstacle courses, the kid-size blocks, the water balloons, and the bouncy castles — for 2021 is the Summer of Play. reports:

  20. 17 jam yang lalu

    Maps reveal how the mail shaped the American West

  21. 19 jam yang lalu

    For Latinos in Phoenix, things are looking up. For Asian Americans in Los Angeles, the rebound has been slow. Here’s what the recovery looks like around the U.S.


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