The publications and materials available on this website are under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

You are free to copy, redistribute, and build upon the material in any medium or format under the following terms:

      • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
      • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. 

Some of the materials below are available as hard copies. Please contact us if you would like to order any of them. We especially appreciate orders from groups or organisations that wish to distribute the materials in their national or regional context. 

The materials are listed in reverse chronological order (from latest to earliest.)

Anti-trans hate crimes in Europe and Central Asia: TGEU’s submission to OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) | May 2021
Under the radar: documenting violence against trans people | April 2021
Stuck on the swing: experiences of trans parents with freedom of movement in the EU | March 2021
Impact assessment: COVID-19 and trans people in Europe and Central Asia | January 2021
Trans Rights Europe & Central Asia Index & Maps 2020 | May 2020
A brief guide to monitoring anti-trans violence | March 2020
Capacity Building: 6 group activities for trans activists | February 2020
Guidelines to Human Rights-based Trans-specific Healthcare | September 2019
Global trans perspectives on health and wellbeing: TvT community report | December 2018
Community report on policing and detention of trans people in Central-Eastern Europe and Central Asia | November 2018
Facilitation Toolkit: tips and tricks for participatory and empowering facilitation | June 2018
Mapping Digital Landscape of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe | May 2018
Trans healthcare lottery: Insurance coverage for trans specific healthcare | December 2017
Front cover. Black & white drawing of many people squashed into a small space. Text: Trans-Inclusive Workplaces. Guideliens for Employers & Businesses.Stephen Whittle. Lewis Turner.
Trans-Inclusive Workplaces: A Guide for Employers and Businesses | December 2017
Claim Your Rights: Guide to legal aid for trans people in Europe | November 2017
Oppression Squared: D/deaf and disabled trans experiences in Europe | November 2017
The image shows the cover of the report. At the top is the title "Overdiagnosed but Underserved" in all-caps and dark blue. Under this title is the subtitle "Trans Healthcare in Georgia, Poland, Serbia, Spain, and Sweden: Trans Health Survey. This text is in black, and smaller than the title. In the bottom left corner is the logo of TGEU - Transgender Europe in White. The background is the face of a person behind different coloured circles. The colours of the circles are blue, green, and purple.
Overdiagnosed but Underserved: Trans Healthcare in Georgia, Poland, Serbia, Spain, and Sweden | October 2017
The vicious circle of violence: trans and gender-diverse people, migration, and sex work | October 2017
Anti-trans hate crimes in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia | May 2017
Human Rights & Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue | December 2016
Report on documenting violence in Armenia, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia | December 2016
Legal Gender Recognition in Europe, 2nd revised version | November 2016
2190 murders are only the tip of the iceberg: An introduction to the Trans Murder Monitoring project | October 2016
Brochure "Welcome to Stay: Building Trans Communities Inclusive of Trans Asylum Seekers and Refugees" | October 2016
Attitudes towards trans people in the European Union (2015) | October 2016
TGEU Sex Work Policy | October 2016
Factsheet “10 Facts on Transgender Rights & Gender Equality” | March 2016
Guide for Journalists | December 2015
Making the UN work for you: A toolkit for trans activists | November 2015
TvT: The Experiences of Trans and Gender-diverse People in Colombia, India, the Philippines, Serbia, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey and Venezuela | September 2015
Report on documenting violence in Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Serbia, and Turkey | September 2015
"Know your rights!" Activist’s Guide on Trans People’s Rights under EU Law | June 2015
Monitoring transphobic incidents | September 2014
Campaign "Access All Areas!" Campaign | January 2014
Toolkit “Legal Gender Recognition in Europe” | December 2013
TvT: Comparative Review of the Human-rights Situation of Gender-variant/Trans People | November 2012
Human Rights & Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue | December 2011
Toolkit “…and Others!” Argumentation Training for Transgender Inclusion in Europe | August 2011