Joe Weisenthal


Co-host of the Odd Lots podcast and 'What'd You Miss?' on Bloomberg TV. Fan of the Bakersfield Sound.

New York City
Se unió en marzo de 2008

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  1. Tweet fijado
    29 abr.

    NEW ODD LOTS and I talked to the one and only about the crisis, the future of economic policy, the standing of Europe & China, changing political alignment, the durability of established institutions. Everything.

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  2. retwitteó
    hace 12 horas
    En respuesta a

    that's the exact reason you'd be getting nasty looks, yes

  3. hace 12 horas

    If I wore this hat in NYC would it be cool? Or would people give me nasty looks because it's too soon to be talking about positive interest rates with the economy so far below potential?

  4. retwitteó
    hace 13 horas
  5. retwitteó
    hace 13 horas

    when you're trying to convince yourself that you can like sports

  6. hace 13 horas

    Bitcoin shouldn’t compete with Venmo. But what makes it a store of value (imo) is that unlike other monies, it can be spent freely. And in a world of disappearing physical cash and financial surveillance, people value having a call option on free (as in speech) transactions.

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  7. hace 13 horas

    One of the criticisms I get from Bitcoiners is that in my characterization of its value, I talk too much about censorship resistant transactions, and therefore that I sound like a Bcash person. But to be clear, I always thought the payments/big block vision was always off.

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  8. hace 13 horas

    Has anyone written a history of the "drop"?

  9. hace 14 horas

    Next week's jobs week

  10. hace 14 horas
  11. hace 14 horas

    TV Time coming up to talk about semiconductors and post-Keynesian economics and Spongebob

  12. retwitteó
    hace 14 horas
  13. hace 14 horas

    Didn't realize there was a no limit trading period in the lumber futures market. LET'S GOOOOOO

  14. hace 14 horas

    Everyone read the "it's time to build" blog post, and their reaction was yes, it's time to build cross-chain algorithmic stablecoins

  15. hace 15 horas

    Wow! Josh Younger of JPM is really going down the altcoin rabbit hole now. Earlier in the week he wrote about Ethereum. And now he just published this.

  16. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas
    En respuesta a

    Trying to buy a car, but can’t because there’s a shortage of computer chips. Tried to do some plumbing work and there’s a shortage of PVC because so many people in Texas are replacing their pipes.

  17. hace 15 horas

    "“Saturday Night Live” cast members won’t be forced to appear alongside controversial billionaire Elon Musk when he hosts the show, Page Six is told."

  18. hace 15 horas

    Financial markets can't hold a candle to the real economy in terms of what's happening right now. Stocks? Snooze. Labor, lumber, chips, and chickens. That's where all the action is.

  19. retwitteó
    hace 16 horas

    Didn't ever see myself becoming a bnb/doge maximalist. Weird world.

  20. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas

    Crypto sentiment check:

  21. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas

    Even if you're fully vaccinated, the CDC recommends taking center control of the board and keeping your knights off the rim.


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