From 27 – 28 October 2017, 30 participants participated in a set of events in Brussels to support the experience of LGBTI asylum seekers during their asylum procedure (reception conditions). The 1-day capacity building seminar focused on exchange amongst NGO active in the field on topics such as linking the local LGBTI community with newcomers or addressing health needs of trans asylum seekers.


The roundtable brought together representatives from asylum authorities with civil society activists. Lively discussed were pro & con’s of specific accommidation (LGBTI shelters), as well as trans-specific challenges in registration, and dispatching and identification of LGBTI asylum seekers in the reception system. One session focused on developing a mock training module for asylum personnel.

Both, public authorities and NGO participants found the ability to exchange, network and “hear from the other side” useful:

“I have transmitted all the information to my office. The focussed points from the discussions will be applied for asylum seekers’ interviews.” (participant, public authority)

“The skills and knowledge gained during the event will be used both in providing individuals assistance to LGBTI asylum seekers during their respective procedures, as well as disseminated to a number of professionals and volunteers that my organisation regularly works with.
Following this event,  we will also work on developing an information material for asylum seekers with regard to the applicable procedures at national level.” (participant, civil society)

“Better and very valuable cooperation with other EU lgbt asylum ngos. Extended and better knowledge about what works well in my country and how we could be better.” (participant, civil society)


In cooperation with trans refugees TGEU created the brochure “Welcome to Stay” to support local trans communities in building communities that are inclusive of trans refugees and asylum seekers.