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2/17 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of The Young Bucks vs. Santana and Ortiz for the AEW Tag Titles, Jon Moxley, Lance Archer, and Rey Fenix vs. Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, and The Blade, Serena Deeb vs. Riho in an Eliminator tournament match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 73)
Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Aired live February 17, 2021 on TNT

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired… Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone were on commentary…

1. “Hangman” Adam Page and Matt Hardy vs. “The Hybrid2” Jack Evans and Angelico. The The Hybrid2 entrance was not televised. Highlights aired of Page swapping out a contract that Hardy wanted him to sign while they were at the bar on last week’s show. Evan and Angelico jumped Page and Hardy to start the match.

Later, Page performed a big powerbomb on Angelico. Evans leapt from the top rope at Page, who caught him and powerbombed him. Page was going to set up for the Buckshot Lariat, but Hardy tagged himself into the match. Hardy accidentally knocked Page off the apron. Evans and Angelico performed double team moves on Hardy.

Angelico botched a big high spot from the ropes by coming up short, but it only led to a two count on Hardy. Page ended up performing a Buckshot Lariat that took out both opponents. Hardy dropped Angelico with a Twist of Fate and pinned him…

“Hangman” Adam Page and Matt Hardy defeated “The Hybrid2” Jack Evans and Angelico in 7:00.

After the match, Hardy sang the praises of Page. Hardy said Page was going to make a lot of money, and he would make 30 percent of it. Page said he wasn’t sure if Hardy paid attention last week. Hardy said he sent the contract to lawyers. Page asked if someone from the Jaguars legal team could help.

The Jacksonville Jaguars mascot Duval walked out carrying a contract and balloons. Page told Hardy that it was the contract that he signed. Hardy read it and said that it was actually a match contract for a match against Page for AEW Revolution. If Page wins the match, he gets all of Hardy’s earnings for the first quarter of 2021.

Hardy was upset. Page smiled. Hardy said he may have been trying to pull one over on Page, who actually got him. Hardy said Page is an honorable man and suggested that he put something on the line. Hardy suggested that if he wins, he gets Page’s earnings for the first quarter of 2021.

Page and Hardy shook on the match. Suddenly, the mascot hit Page. The mascot removed his head to reveal himself as Isiah Kassidy. Evans and Angelico joined Kassidy in attacking Page. The Dark Order ran out and attacked the heels while Negative One came out and watched from the stage. In the ring, Alan “5” Angels worked over Hardy for a moment. Page went for a Buckshot Lariat, but Hardy ducked it and scurried away…

Ross hyped the AEW Tag Title match. Backstage, Alex Marvez spoke with the Inner Circle and noted that it was the first tag title shot for Santana and Ortiz in AEW. Santana said the reason it was their first title shot is fear within AEW. MJF brought up last week’s oddball recording angle and actually pointed out that there was a camera in the room in addition to the regular recorder.

Jericho said MJF goaded Sammy Guevara for weeks and finally drove him to quit. Jericho said some of it was MJF’s fault, but the majority of it was Guevara’s fault. Jericho said that in a week of stupid decisions, walking out of the Inner Circle was the worst. Jericho said Guevara is dead to him and he never wants to hear his name again. Jericho said Santana and Ortiz would win the AEW Tag Titles and bring gold back to Inner Circle…

The broadcast team ran through the show’s lineup…

Powell’s POV: A good tag match despite the top rope move hiccup. I was actually wondering if they would give Hybrid2 a rare win since they are an actual tag team, whereas Page and Hardy obviously won’t be a regular duo going forward. The post match angle was odd in that Hardy or Kassidy would have had to know that Page was going to use the mascot to deliver the contract. They tried to have MJF cover for last week’s angle. It came off like they were trying hard to explain it away. At least they cared enough to try. And perhaps it will be addressed during this show, but didn’t Jericho and MJF win the right to be the Inner Circle team that would go after the AEW Tag Titles?

Tony Schiavone recapped the AEW Women’s Championship Eliminator tournament matches from Monday’s YouTube special on the Japan bracket. He hyped the next round for Monday’s special…

2. NWA Women’s Champion Serena Deeb vs. Riho in an AEW Women’s Championship Eliminator tournament first round match. Ross praised Excalibur for the job he did calling Monday’s YouTube special. Deeb clutched her knee and winced. Deeb caught Riho going for a 619 and catapulted her into the bottom rope heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

A trainer checked on Deeb while Riho sold at ringside early in the PIP break. Deeb continued to sell a knee injury while going back and forth with Riho. Deeb performed a neckbreaker. As she was setting up for a move, Riho grabbed her leg, then let it go while firing forearms at her. Riho connected with a 619.

Riho went up top and performed a double stomp onto the back of Deeb, who was leaning over the ropes. Riho went up top and performed a cross body block for a two count. Deeb rolled to ringside. Riho went to ringside and threw Deeb back inside the ring. When Riho followed, Deeb wrenched her knee on the ropes.

Riho came back with a Northern Lights Suplex. She followed up with a top rope double stop for a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out with the spectator wrestlers and fans. Both wrestlers went back and forth with covers, and Riho got the better of it with a three count…

Riho defeated Serena Deeb in 14:50 to advance in the AEW Women’s Championship Eliminator tournament.

Excalibur discussed the updated brackets graphic and noted that Thunder Rosa will face Riho in the second round. He said the remaining first round matches will be on the AEW YouTube page…

Powell’s POV: A very good match. This tournament has the potential to change the perception of the improved AEW women’s division. I’m guessing that Deeb’s knee injury was worked to give her an out for losing. There’s no shame in losing to a former AEW Women’s Champion, but I suspect they wanted to protect Deeb to some extent because she is the NWA Women’s Champion. At least I hope that was the case and it wasn’t a legit injury.

A video package showed Jade Cargill playing basketball while Shaq watched and joined in. The video concluded with Jade’s logo…

Schiavone hyped Shaq and Jade vs. Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet for the March 3 edition of Dynamite… Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor made their entrance… [C]

3. Orange Cassidy (w/Chuck Taylor) vs. Luther (w/Serpentico). The bell rang to start the match and Luther shoved Taylor off the apron. Serpentico sent Taylor into the barricade. In the ring, Luther powerbombed Taylor for a near fall. Cassidy came back with a powerbomb that sent Luther from the apron to the floor.

Serpentico entered the ring and set up for a move on Cassidy, but Taylor entered the ring and dropped Serpentico with the Awful Waffle. Cassidy and Luther rolled back into the ring where Cassidy hit the Orange Punch and scored the pin…

Orange Cassidy defeated Luther in 1:50.

Powell’s POV: This was just fine for what it was. Luther got a little offense in, but this was clearly a showcase for Cassidy, and they made it quick and painless.

A video package recapped Darby Allin beating Joey Janela to retain the TNT Title last week, and then being dragged behind a truck by Team Taz later in the night…

Taz, Brian Cage, and Hook headed to the ring for a promo. Taz said he’s been seeing all over social media that Sting would call out Team Taz. He said they were down a few men due to weather issues. Taz said there was no better time than now for Sting to come out and call out Team Taz.

Sting made his entrance with a baseball bat in hand and joined Taz, Cage, and Hook inside the ring. Taz said Sting entering the ring was the worst thing he could have done. He said Sting needs the baseball bat. Sting tossed it aside and removed his jacket. “Oh, you’re going to be a badass?” Taz asked.

Sting threw his jacket at Cage and then threw some punches at him. As Sting was working over Cage in the corner, Hook grabbed the bat and tried to choke Sting, who blocked it. Cage kicked Sting and then powerbombed him. Sting held the back of his head while lying on the mat…

Powell’s POV: Well, I guess that answers the question of whether Sting would take bumps in AEW. One can only hope that doctors have signed off on this, as Sting was no longer allowed to wrestle in WWE due to cervical spinal stenosis.

Backstage, Eddie Kingston delivered a promo while The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny stood by. Kingston said he requested the six-man tag match against Jon Moxley, Lance Archer, and Rey Fenix. Kingston said his opponents were his demons. He complained about Lance Archer bothering him since the casino battle royal, then said he never wanted Fenix in his group.

Kingston said Moxley is his biggest demon and he can’t get rid of him with drinking or pills or women. “I’ve got to get rid of you by beating you, old friend,” Kingston concluded… [C] The broadcast team recapped Cage powerbombing Sting…

Kenny Omega, Don Callis, and Michael Nakazawa were shown in a school classroom. Alex Marvez showed up and Omega took offense. Omega spoke to the young children in the class. He read from a book and spoke about how business skyrocketed when he wrestled Chris Jericho at the Tokyo Dome.

[Hour Two] Omega asked Callis how they were doing on time. “Uncle Kenny has to go,” Callis said. Omega told the kids that they are the champs. As Omega was talking with a PR person and Callis said that covered the 4-9 demographic they were looking for. One of the kids asked Callis if they could play. Callis said the kids could play with Nakazawa. One of the kids kicked Nakazawa in the balls and then the other kids piled onto him…

4. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. Santana and Ortiz (w/Chris Jericho, MJF, Jake Hager, Wardlow) for the AEW Tag Titles. Before the match, the Bucks hugged their mother and father, who were in the spectator wrestler section. Omega, Callis, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson were shown watching the match on a backstage monitor.

MJF climbed onto the apron and teased punching Nick, but referee Rick Knox caught him and ejected him and the rest of the Inner Circle members. [C] Santana performed a top rope falcon arrow on Nick for a good near fall.

Later, the Bucks delivered a double superkick to Santana. Matt went for the pin, but Ortiz ran across the ring and broke it up. The Bucks went for the BTE Trigger, but Santana moved, causing the Bucks to slam their knees together.

Santana and Ortiz hit the Street Sweeper on Nick. Matt dove into the referee to break up the pin (the broadcast team said he jumped over the ref to break it). Santana and Ortiz dumped Matt over the barricade near his parents with the idea of isolating Nick. Ortiz returned to the ring and was caught in an inside cradle and pinned by Nick…

“The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson defeated Santana and Ortiz in 13:10 to retain the AEW Tag Titles.

After the match, the rest of the Inner Circle ran out and attacked the Bucks. Omega, Callis, Gallows, and Anderson were shown watching on a backstage monitor. Callis whispered to Gallows and Anderson, who headed out while Omega asked if they were going to go.

In the ring, Jericho and MJF put the Bucks in their submission holds. The Bucks tapped out. Gallows and Anderson came out, causing the Inner Circle to go to ringside. Jericho got in the face of the Bucks’ father, who shoved him…

Ross hyped another tag match for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good match, though I’m still waiting for that full length pay-per-view battle with the Bucks vs. Santana and Ortiz. They are two of the best teams in the world and it feels like Santana and Ortiz haven’t been completely unleashed in AEW. Excalibur was trying to emphasize that the Bucks tapped out to the finishers and Jericho and MJF, but it was kind of lost in the chaos.

Brandi Rhodes said she missed everyone. She announced that they were going to hold a gender reveal party and said she was the only person who knew the gender of her baby. Brandi and Cody Rhodes walked onto the stage. A graphic on the big screen read, “It’s A Girl.” Cody and Brandi kissed…

5. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler vs. Matt Sydal and Mike Sydal. Cody sat in on commentary and yelled, “It’s a girl!” prior to the match. Cody and Excalibur noted that Dory Funk Jr. was a special guest at the show. Funk and his wife Marti were shown sitting in the crowd. Cody also noted that Tully Blanchard was not at ringside.

Cody vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Scorpio Sky and three wrestlers to be announced were announced for a ladder match at AEW Revolution for future a shot at the TNT Championship. The match continued heading into a PIP break. [C]

Mike performed a moonsault from the top rope onto both FTR members at ringside. In the ring, Matt covered Harwood for a two count. Matt avoided a slingshot suplex attempt and rolled up Harwood for another two count. When Harwood kicked out, Matt was kicked into the rope and punched from the floor by Wheeler.

A short time later, Wheeler performed a Northern Lights Suplex on Matt, but Mike broke up the pin. Mike made a blind tag into the match. Matt performed double knees onto both FTR members. Mike performed a clunky top rope move that missed and covered Wheeler, who put his foot on the ropes. Matt went up top, but Harwood tripped him up. Wheeler made a blind tag and then FTR hit the Big Rig on Mike, and Harwood pinned him…

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler defeated Matt Sydal and Mike Sydal in 9:00.

After the match, FTR took out a pair of scissors and were about to cut Mike’s hair, but the lights went out. A video showed Luchasaurus’s standing by his mask that had the horns cut off. Lucasaurus appeared in the ring with a new mask and Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt. The Jurassic Express trio ended up standing tall after roughing up FTR…

Powell’s POV: That’s it? He just got a new mask? Actually, I’m not complaining because the alternative would have been grown man acting hopeless because the horns were removed from his mask.

The broadcast team hyped Hangman Page vs. Isiah Kassidy, an Eliminator tournament match with the winners of Anna Jay vs. Britt Baker and Nyla Rose vs. Tay Conti meeting on Dynamite, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks vs. “The Varsity Blonds” Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison, and Jake Hager vs. Brandon Cutler for next week’s Dynamite. For the March 3 edition, they hyped Shaq and Cargill vs. Cody and Red Velvet, and Tully Blanchard and FTR vs. Jurassic Express in a six-man tag match.

Powell’s POV: I must have missed something in the Bucks match, because the broadcast team played up the idea that Hager vs. Cutler stemmed from something that happened earlier in the night. My apologies.

For AEW Revolution, the broadcast team hyped “The Face of Revolution” ladder match, Hikaru Shida vs. the winner of the Eliminator tournament, Matt Hardy vs. Hangman Page in the Money Match, Sting and Allin vs. Cage and Starks in a street fight, and The Young Bucks vs. Chris Jericho and MJF for the AEW Tag Titles…

Jon Moxley delivered a backstage promo. He said Eddie Kingston always has a stick up his ass and has problems with him, Lance Archer, and Rey Fenix. Moxley said he’s probably the only guy who still cares about Kingston and will whoop his ass as many times as it takes for him to get it through his head.

Moxley also hyped his NJPW Strong match for February 26 against Kenta for the IWGP U.S. Championship. Moxley said after that, he would take down everyone and take back the AEW Championship from Kenny Omega. Moxley said there would be no running or hiding, Omega was in his crosshairs. Moxley said it’s just about time to pull the trigger… [C]

6. Jon Moxley, Lance Archer (w/Jake Roberts), and Rey Fenix vs. Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, and The Blade (w/The Bunny). Ring announcer Justin Roberts hyped that the time limit was the television time remaining. The babyface trio made their entrance from the side, as Moxley usually does.

Archer dominated Blade and did his rope walk. Butcher tried to break it up. Fenix appeared to be setting up for something form the top corner, but he fell onto Butcher and they went to ringside while Archer leapt from the ropes onto Blade heading into a PIP break. [C]

Late in the match, Moxley and Kingston ended up alone in the ring while their partners were at ringside. Kingston hit Moxley with a spinning back fist. Moxley wobbled, then threw a big clothesline that knocked Kingston down. Moxley followed up with a Paradigm Shift DDT and scored the pin…

Jon Moxley, Lance Archer, and Rey Fenix defeated Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, and The Blade in 12:00.

After the match, Moxley stood on the ropes and was talking into the camera when Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson attacked him from behind. Kenny Omega came out with a mic in hand and was followed by Don Callis. Gallows and Anderson held Moxley while Omega said Moxley didn’t look so tough.

Omega said he was holding a late Valentine’s Day gift from Tony Khan. Omega said it was a contract that contained a rematch clause. Omega said Moxley could have his match, but he was naming the stipulation. He spoke about having to put Moxley in the ground, then said they would have an exploding barbwire death match. Moxley headbutted Omega while being held by Anderson and Gallows. Omega dropped Moxley with a V-Trigger. Omega had a small cut on his forehead as he called for his music…

Powell’s POV: I am the type of fan who prefers a straight up pro wrestling match over the gimmickry, but you have to think that an an exploding barbwire death match will sell pay-per-views if they explain it well between now and AEW Revolution. And I’d be lying if I said that I’m not curious to see how it goes. The main event of this show was all action and was a crowd pleaser. Overall, it was an entertaining episode, though it continues to feel like they try to cram too much into each episode. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by giving it a letter grade below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the February 17 edition

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Readers Comments (2)

  1. What you missed was Cutler tried to make the save for the Bucks, and Hager beat his ass and gave him a slam on the ramp. I guess they thought Cutler needed another ass kicking so they booked it for next week.

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