Poverty reduction through conflict and disaster prevention

Two children on a cotton transport truck
Cotton production is an important sector of Kyrgyzstan’s economy and one of its key value chains. © SDC

Conflict, violence and human rights violations: these are among the main challenges to combating poverty and fragility in the wider sense. The fragility of a state is characterised by the government’s inability to ensure the security of the population and provide basic public services, alongside its failure to establish mutually constructive relations with the country’s citizens.

More than 40 countries around the globe, home to some 1.5 billion people, are affected by fragile situations or exposed to violence or conflict. By 2030, more than 80% of the world’s poorest could be living in fragile contexts unless more concerted action is taken now.

Fragility poses a major threat to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Addressing fragility will require greater acceptance of all its nuances by tailoring differentiated approaches to specific contexts and working across the full spectrum of issues, some of which are inherently difficult and sensitive.

Engagement in fragile contexts

Switzerland is stepping up its efforts to prevent and manage the consequences of crises, disasters and fragility. It intends to allocate 50% of its bilateral aid to conflict-affected or fragile contexts.

The SDC’s action in fragile contexts

Switzerland is committed to promoting peaceful, just and inclusive societies. It works directly to ensure that no one is left behind.

Characteristics of fragile contexts

Fragile states and regions are characterised by weak institutions, high rates of poverty, violence, corruption and general arbitrariness. Fragility manifests itself in both development and transition contexts as well as humanitarian crises.

Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies

Focus on SDG 16+ to promote peaceful, equitable and inclusive societies for a sustainable development and to combat conflict.

Preventing conflict and all forms of violence

In preventing violent conflict, the aim is to stop previous conflicts from flaring up again and new conflicts from forming. The task is not simply to prevent crises but also to address the root causes.


Current projects

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Planned project

Subnational Governance Program (SNGP)

16.07.2023 - 15.07.2030

The overall goal of the Program is to support the subnational governments to build sustainable, inclusive and democratic institutions that deliver services to the citizens, especially from disadvantaged groups, in an efficient and effective way and as per their constitutional mandate. The Program will be nationally coordinated government-led and implementation will mainly take place in all seven provinces and 753 local level governments of Nepal.

Planned project

Appui à la décentralisation et à la participation citoyenne au Burkina Faso

01.03.2022 - 30.09.2026

La décentralisation permet une meilleure transparence et efficacité dans la gestion des affaires publiques locales. Elle facilite la prise en main des actions de développement par les citoyens. Depuis 2006, le Burkina Faso est organisé en 351 communes et en 13 régions avec actuellement 18'525 élu(e)s locaux, qui manquent de ressources et de capacités pour répondre à leurs responsabilités et aux besoins des citoyens. La Suisse accompagne des communes et 3 régions à jouer leur rôle de fournisseurs de services publics et à mieux gérer les affaires locales dans l’intérêt des communautés.

Planned project

Support to Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2027

By supporting the provision of quality mental health through Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, Switzerland contributes to strengthening the resilience of vulnerable people in the Gaza Strip, where distress, psychological and psychiatric problems continue to increase after more than a decade of closure, traumatic conflicts and the degradation of socio-economic conditions. Addressing distress and traumas contributes to the prevention of radicalisation.

Planned project

Strengthening the capacities of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) serving migrants in Egypt

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

In Egypt, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are the key actors in responding to migrant’s basic needs. The aim of this program is to strengthen the CBOs through organizational capacity development and network building. This will lead to sustainable services for migrants and empower the CBOs to advocate for migrant’s needs in the donor community and with decision makers.

Planned project

Civil society for social cohesion in Mozambique

01.07.2021 - 31.12.2030

Despite the positive developments in the peace process, rising inequalities, shrinking space for civil society and new emerging conflicts threaten the overall social cohesion and stability of Mozambique. This program aims to contribute to strengthen the social contract by strengthening citizen’s participation, inclusive leadership and solutions oriented multi-stakeholder dialogue where a responsible civil society, citizens, the private sector and responsive institutions develop a joint future based on inclusive local processes.

Joint Peace Fund

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027

After 60 years of conflict, the government and 8 Ethnic Armed Groups have signed a National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in October 2015, opening up a unique opportunity to find lasting peace. The Joint Peace Fund is a multi-donor fund set up to channel coordinated international support for such efforts, including the implementation of the NCA and following political dialogue of the peace process, a requirement for development especially in border areas.

Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies (Sustainable Develoment Goal 16+)

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2030

The promotion of peaceful, just and inclusive societies (SDG16) is integral to the success of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. In order to accelerate its implementation, a group of UN Member States are coming together to leveraging intersections within the Agenda (16+) and to accelerate national and international implementation, while building a movement of the willing around three grand challenges. Switzerland is a co-convener, a member and a donor to this initiative.

Skills for Local Economic Development SLED

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2030

Switzerland will explore opportunities for supporting local economic development through vocational skills development in predominantly rural areas in Southern Shan. A focus on market-oriented skills opportunities accessible to young women and men, especially from vulnerable groups will be identified that open life-long learning opportunities to improve livelihood options and support peace building and security in conflict-affected areas.

UNDP – Core Contribution 2021

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021

UNDP is the leading UN organisation working on poverty eradication, governance, rule of law and conflict prevention. It also provides coordination and back office services to the UN Resident Coordinator System. Switzerland supports UNDP because it is its most important partner in the UN Development System to work on poverty eradication, sustainable development, good governance and conflict prevention. 

Redevabilité, sécurité et prévention de l’extrémisme violent pour les citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens RESPECT

01.12.2020 - 30.11.2026

L’intervention renforce la gouvernance du secteur de sécurité tunisien et les capacités institutionnelles de prévention de l’extrémisme violent. Elle contribue ainsi à une meilleure protection des citoyennes et des citoyens tunisiens à travers une assistance vers une gestion de la sécurité redevable et efficace, et à travers un soutien à la définition et à la mise en œuvre de politiques publiques limitant le phénomène de l’extrémisme violent.


Implementation Maputo Peace Accord

01.07.2020 - 31.12.2021

As chair of the Contact Group, mediator and main donor to the peace process in Mozambique, Switzerland has played a key role so far, leading to the successful Peace Accord (MPA) between the ruling party (Frelimo) and the opposing party (Renamo) in August 2019. It will continue this engagement with the support of the implementation of this Agreement which focusses on Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reinsertion (DDR) of the ex-combatants and reconciliation and enhanced decentralisation. 

Programme de renforcement de la résilience des ménages pastoraux et agropastoraux face aux crises climatiques et à l'insécurité (RESILIA) Phase 1

01.06.2020 - 31.12.2024

la DDC contribue au renforcement de la résilience de plus de 700’000 personnes dont les déplacées internes, affectées par la crise sécuritaire et les changements climatiques au Burkina Faso. Se basant sur la riche expérience de la Suisse dans l’élevage pastoral au Sahel, le programme va soutenir les pasteurs et agropasteurs pour que leur pratique d’élevage et moyens de subsistance s’adaptent aux défis climatiques et améliorent leurs conditions de vie tout en favorisant la paix au Burkina Faso.

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