
Swiss transition cooperation supports the Republic of Moldova in providing high-quality public services for all citizens, particularly those living in rural areas and disadvantaged groups. Priority areas for cooperation are healthcare reforms, strengthening local governance and sustainable economic development and employment

Map of Moldova

Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe. One reason for this is the still unresolved Transnistria conflict, which led to a deterioration in the economic situation from 1992 onwards and had numerous other negative consequences. Although Moldova has made much progress since then and shows solid economic growth, the country still faces major challenges. The healthcare sector is in urgent need of reform and access to public services is limited, especially in rural areas. Moreover, large-scale emigration, a big shadow economy and a weak private sector prevent the economy. 

Themes SDC


The health status of Moldova's population is well below the European average. Life expectancy is low (70 years), access to basic healthcare is not guaranteed, especially in rural areas, and the population is insufficiently protected against financial risks associated with high healthcare expenses. The SDC therefore supports the Republic of Moldova in its efforts to reform the health system in order to provide high-quality health services that are accessible to all citizens. Another focus of Swiss activities is on awareness-raising measures to prevent non-communicable diseases (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer) and to highlight the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. 


Democratic governance

In the past, Switzerland actively promoted the construction of water supply and sanitation systems that served the entire population of Moldova. Although measurable improvements have been made, they have not translated into better public services at the local level. In order to address this problem, the SDC has therefore included the strengthening of local governance in its activities since 2018. The aim is to generate more resources for local authorities and to increase citizens' participation in local affairs so that their needs and interests are brought into the political process.

Economic development and employment

A low employment rate and high emigration rate pose serious demographic and social challenges for Moldova and hamper economic development. In order for the economy to grow sustainably for the benefit of all, the private sector must stimulate job growth. Companies need to become more competitive and create more and better paid jobs. Switzerland therefore supports three labour market-related measures: 

  • encouraging companies to create new jobs;

  • gearing vocational education and training to the demands of the labour market;

  • expanding the range of services offered by public employment services. 

These measures aim to help fight poverty by reducing the number of unemployed people and generating more income. They should also reduce dependence on remittances from relatives living abroad. 

Approach and partners

Switzerland closely coordinates its transition cooperation with local authorities, other donor countries, and international organisations such as the EU and the UN. All of Switzerland's programmes incorporate the principles of good governance and equal rights.

Switzerland's key partners in the Republic of Moldova:

  • Swiss NGOs and partner organisations: SKAT Consulting Ltd, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Helvetas-Swiss Intercooperation, Swisscontact, Terre des Hommes, Caritas Switzerland, Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS), Pestalozzi, etcwiss NGOs; Helvetas-Swiss Intercooperation, Swisscontact, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Terre des Hommes, Save the Children
  • National partners: Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, city and municipal authorities, civil society and professional organisations, the private sector and local NGOs, etc..
  • Bilateral and multilateral partners: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, German Agency for International Cooperation, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW),  Austrian Development Agency, World Health Organization, United Nations Development Programme, European Union, United Nations Children's Fund, etc. 

Current projects

Object 1 – 12 of 17

Engaged People - Strong municipalities

01.11.2019 - 31.12.2030

Molodova has the most fragmented sytem of local governments in the South-East Europe. People's dissatisfaction with quality of services is high and participatory decision-making is not common. Local governance reforms launched by the Government are being pursued in a centralized manner. Switzerland will support moldova through a two-pronged approach supporting citizens (in enhancing participation and social accountability) and institutions (in improving public service provision), particularly in rural areas.  

Creating Jobs Opportunities Through Improved Market Systems

01.09.2019 - 31.12.2030

Job creation is crucial for inclusive economic growth and sustainable poverty reduction. It is also vital for reducing the long-term outward migration trend of Moldova’s workforce. This program contributes to the creation of attractive job opportunities, especially for young people, by enhancing the competitiveness of local private enterprises. Following a market systems development approach, it aims to remove key constraints that hamper the proper functioning of markets for the benefit of the poor and excluded

Moldova - Making the Most of Migration

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022

One third of Moldovans already live abroad and the Government acknowledges that migration can bring many opportunities, if addressed and managed properly. SDC`s previous interventions resulted in a unique mobilization of migrants committed to contribute to the development of their home communities. Switzerland will further support Moldova in building a favorable environment for migrants to invest in their home country, as well as to provide good quality return and reintegration services.

Youth Friendly Health Services in Moldova

01.11.2018 - 30.04.2021

Switzerland has supported Moldova in developing its youth friendly health services (YFHSs) and scaling them up to cover the entire country. The improved access to quality healthcare led to better health outcomes in adolescents, such as decreased alcohol use and incidence of sexually transmitted infections. The two-year exit phase of this project will focus on ensuring the sustainability of YFHSs and transferring the responsibility for matching the supply and demand for such services to relevant national and local institutions.

Nurturing Active and Responsible Citiziens

01.10.2018 - 30.09.2030

Molodova's democracy is still young and fragile. The population is disinclined to participate in decision-making, to practice democrtatic values and to demand their rights. Schools have an important role in educating active and responsive citizens, but are not well prepared for it. By improving democratic school governance and introducing practical civic education, Switzerland will support Moldova in raising civic consciousness of chlidren and adolescents, and engaging them in ther communities.

Support to the reform of mental health services in Moldova

01.08.2018 - 31.07.2022

In 2013 Switzerland started supporting Republic of Moldova in a systemic reform of the mental health (MH), aimed at bringing MH services closer to users by providing treatment in a community setting. The project second phase will contribute to further increase the access to and utilization of quality community-based mental health services and health education programs by the means of a nationwide scaling-up.

Fostering Active Civic Engagement

01.07.2018 - 30.09.2030

Moldova’s democracy is still young and fragile. The population is hesitant to participate in decision-making and to demand their rights. Good-quality civic education is an essential element for promoting democratic values, raising awareness about the rights and responsibilities of every citizen, and for stimulating a stronger civic engagement. Switzerland supports Moldova in providing children and adolescents with opportunities to apply civic learning inside and outside the classroom.

Ma lmplic - Project on civic engagement in local governance

01.05.2018 - 31.10.2023

Moldovan local public administrations are often unable to respond to the needs of the population in an inclusive and sustainable way. Capacity to hold local authorities accountable is poor and citizens are reluctant to engage in public affairs. Switzerland will support Moldova to enhance participation in local development and decision-making, to further improve public service provision in rural areas and ensure a better framework for decentralisation. A strong focus will be put on the inclusion of excluded groups.


Creating Job OpportuniUes through lmproved Market Systems (IMS)

01.03.2018 - 31.12.2022

By increasing competitiveness of local private enterprises and enhancing labour market intermediation and skills development, this project contributes to improved employment and income-generation for women and men, benefiting in particular people from excluded groups. The project will contribute to retaining workforce in the country, which is crucial to Moldova's further development given the long-term trend of labour-related emigration.


Institutional Support to Network of Associations of Local Authorities in South East Europe (NALAS) - Exit Phase

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022

The final phase of SDC's support to the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe — NALAS, will focus on the institution's sustainability and on consolidating NALAS' expertise on decentralization. Engaging in strategic partnerships with regional and international networks and institution, NALAS will continue to provide knowledge, policy advice and smart services to local authorities in 12 countries in South East Europe to promote sustainable, inclusive and resilient communities across the region.

Revitalising labour market in Moldova

Two young women checking cables.

01.12.2017 - 30.06.2022

With Moldova facing high unemployment and a slowdown in growth, the SDC is funding a project designed to offer young job seekers alternatives to emigration and to improve the country's economic situation. Switzerland is supporting reforms aimed at training a qualified workforce and improving the investment climate. This will not only promote demand-driven training but also help create new jobs in the private sector.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Vocational training
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation
Business support & economic inclusion

01.12.2017 - 30.06.2022

CHF 6'680'000

Progressing towards Universal Health Coverage in Moldova

01.11.2017 - 30.04.2023

Through this project, Switzerland will support the Moldovan government's efforts to ensure access to healthcare services for all and to protect the population against impoverishing health expenditures. This will be achieved through making services more affordable and more accessible for the poorest and the most vulnerable. The population will be empowered to demand transparency and accountability in the healthcare system. 

Object 1 – 12 of 17